“We call for emergency rallies in front of every statehouse this Saturday at noon to stand together to save the American Dream.”
Find an event near you on Saturday: http://pol.moveon.org/event/americandream
All your endorsement to the Emergency call to action
Calling all students, teachers, union members, workers, patriots, public servants, unemployed folks, progressives, and people of conscience:
In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich, and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response and vital human services. The right to organize is on the chopping block. The American Dream is slipping out of reach for more and more Americans, and we have to fight back.
We call for emergency rallies in front of every statehouse this Saturday at noon to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Demand an end to the attacks on workers’ rights and public services across the country. Demand investment, to create decent jobs for the millions of people who desperately want to work. And demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.
We are all Wisconsin.
We are all Americans.
Add your endorsement and this Saturday we will stand together to save the American Dream.
Good news! A total of 3 people have signed up here in Raleigh. How about your state? And it’s brought to you by every “grassroots” barking moonbat organization you can think of (scroll to bottom of that link)
Yeah, I’ll have to stop by and see if there is any action. Was planning to go down to Garner to meet some folks for lunch at 2pm, anyhow.

So, the right to organize and drive states in to bankruptcy is the American Dream?
I thought the American Dream was to live free, live well, and make your own dreams come true using your own two hands and intuition?
Go figure.
Captainfish, we have been living in a dream world apparently. These people are mad as hatters, and they don’t think about the consequences of their actions!
I have already heard that our favorite local commie “peace activist” is having lots of extras come to her rally this weekend in West Chester PA. So, without further adieu, we will be pumping up the volume across the street at the “Support the Troops” rally, in answer to the Code Pinkos who will be joining the party. I will send photos of the event, it should be fun to count her side…we usually have them beat no less than 5-1.
You GO GIRL!!! Am proud of ya!
Didn’t you know that living off the hard work of others is the Leftist Amerikan Dream, Cap’n.
Take some awesome pics, Trish!
According to your Here in Raleigh link there are now 147 signed up. Anybody know of any counter attacks er counter demonstrations?
Sorry Teach, I am unable to comprehend irrational insanity
Haven’t heard of any yet, but, will search around. I’m sure the local Patriots will be there.
You can see what our local lefty loon is saying, she has her own blog in our local newspaper (The Daily Local News) -aptly named Chester County Left Bank- here
Holy crap.. she’s an old bitty aint she.
Oh for sure! She’s a hippy holdout, and a mean spirited one at that! One of her minions attacked a videographer a couple of years back, the police came and two of the “men” there resisted arrest, were wrestled to the ground, and arrested. They were charged, but our friend received an apology, but didn’t press charges so they did community service. Meanwhile, this old bitty sends out long emails accusing US of being the dangerous ones, and says she’s afraid to pass us on the streets of West Chester, or park in the municipal lots! Slander I tell you- most of us have family in the service, or are vets themselves, and we have a lot of decent young folks who join us- you can go look at our group here:
And if you do a search on the website- for Karen Porter, you can see more!