There are several reason why I like Herman Cain to be the 2012 GOP nominee. He’s conservative, he’s brilliant, he’s well spoken, he is not an apologist, and he will stand by his principles. Oh, and he has real world experience.
Which Republican should become the next president? Herman Cain, according to a number of Tea Party activists gathered at a weekend summit in Phoenix.
Cain, a conservative talk show host and former Godfather’s Pizza chief executive, won the American Policy Summit’s presidential live straw poll on Sunday.
Cain won nearly 22 percent of the nearly 1,600 votes cast. Paul won nearly half the votes cast by more than 2,300 online registered attendees (and won the online poll).
Which means the Paultards were out in force on the Internet. Lord, please don’t let Ron Paul run again. While he certainly has some good ideas, he’s a crank and his base is nuts. Much rather have someone like Herman Cain, who looks, talks, and acts presidential.
Also, it would drive the “tolerant” liberals off the deep end to have a Black man running as the GOP representative, and you just know the real left, the racist, bigoted, intolerant left would be out in force.
More at Cubachi, Liberty Pundits, and Riehl World View.

Cain is an appealing candidate, BUT he hasn’t been vetted nor does he have govorment management experience. I fear his popularity is
1) Fear that Gov Palin can’r be elected (she has all the creds & has been throughly vetted…nothing more to find except BS) and promoted by the MFM & DC GOP.
2) It appears this is the counter to the Kommiecrat Black guy & our Black Guy is better then yours…its still racism.
I can’t support another sleeper like steele a terrible failure whitewashed by the DC people…ie Ann Coulter.
Cain is an appealing candidate, BUT he hasn’t been vetted nor does he have govorment management experience. I fear his popularity is
1) Fear that Gov Palin can’r be elected (she has all the creds & has been throughly vetted…nothing more to find except BS) and promoted by the MFM & DC GOP.
2) It appears this is the counter to the Kommiecrat Black guy & our Black Guy is better then yours…its still racism.
I can’t support another sleeper like steele a terrible failure whitewashed by the DC people…ie Ann Coulter.
“our Black Guy is better then yours” I think a Cain candidacy stands alone, regardless of his race. Whether he has what it takes to mount a national presidential campaign is yet to be seen.
no government management experience???
What the *&#$ does that mean?
There is a reason why Senators are not elected president and This current president is the PERFECT reason why.
Governors make better presidents, and not because they manage governments. It is the fact that they have to manage people, budgets, plans, organizations, make deadlines………
Doesn’t that sound an awful lot like a business?
I would much rather hire a former or current businessman as president than anyone who has only spent time in Congress.
However, he has too big of a mouth. I would much rather see Col Allen West. He is a man of dignity, he has built-in respect.
[…] enough of being a smartass; what does Herman Cain’s Tea party straw poll victory mean? Not much really. In the grand scheme of things, not […]
…its still racism.
If all you see is the race of a candidate, then it is racism and the racist can be seen in your mirror.
I choose to vote for someone because of their ideas and ability to lead. Race or gender doesn’t enter into it for me.
Your mileage may vary.
Cain and Paul will not get the nominee of the 2012 Republican Party. It is a Tea Party straw poll.
[…] William Teach at Pirate’s Cove had some interesting comments on this poll (read it for more on… There are several reason why I like Herman Cain to be the 2012 GOP nominee. He’s conservative, he’s brilliant, he’s well spoken, he is not an apologist, and he will stand by his principles. Oh, and he has real world experience. […]
Great blog! I’m bookmarking ya.
er, I meant adding you to the blog roll. I’m a dolt.
Herman Cain put together a very impressive business. As well, Colonel West seems to know how to build organizations, military or otherwise. Both of these traits are critical at this juncture in our nations history. Black, white, yellow, red, or purple skinned ~ I would vote for either of them for ANY office they happened to be running for!
I believe that Herman Cain stands a good chance of being the GOP VP pick this year.
He has not been vetted….so we will see. I like him.
I believe that until Sarah Palin stops talking like a hill billy blogger she will never truly be taken seriously.
If you really listen to her, get past the palinsims it is obvious she is not stupid…but she projects a feeling in my own gut of someone who has memorized some popular one liners and repeats them over and over and over and over again…..
To the cheers and hoots of her supporters but to the rest of us……its like wow….talk about a ditz..
Perception is everything and Palin needs to be perceived as having a brain and having some ideas that are not rooted in the RON PAUL….CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVISM…which amounts to NOTHING IS BETTER THEN SOMETHING.
The libertarian movement is running the tea party and has from day one. Having been to several tea party rallies I am convinced that 1/2 of every person claiming to be GOP were really only GOP because their was no Libertarian party that mattered in this country.