Let’s go with something a little more light hearted this Sunday morning, unless, that is, you yourself have had this problem, causing you to be late to work, and then you can blame yourself for driving a fossil fueled vehicle which creates cold weather due to greenhouse gases or something
When the weather turns cold, roof rats are among the animals that look for a warm place to hole up.
Unfortunately for vehicle owners, that place is often under the warm hood of a car or truck, whether it is parked indoors or out. While there, the rodents chew on everything, including electrical wiring and hoses.
Dennis Miller, service manager for Hyundai, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep and Mazda at the Antioch Auto Mall, said he works on several vehicles every year that have damage caused by rats. About a month ago, a Chrysler sedan owner came in twice within a seven-day span.
After it was fixed, rats again crawled underneath and caused more damage to the car and the owner’s pocketbook.
Isn’t the Bay Area rather, um, temperate in the winter time? The day time temps average in the high 50’s to low 60’s throughout the winter, and in the upper 40’s to low 50’s. Good thing San Fran didn’t see a record low of 37 Saturday night and just missed out on snow. It’s been so cold in California that the celebs might accessorize with winter jackets for the Oscars, and farmers are worried about their crops. Obviously, this must be the “extreme weather” caused by globull warming.
Or, it could be the great animal war on mankind. Probably because they are pissed over global warming making it cold.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

[…] With All This Global Warming Induced Cold, Check Your Car For Rats […]