Monthly Archives: February 2011

Hooray, Obama Reigns In The Budget By….Adding $100 Billion(?)

So many media outlets are portraying Obama’s supposed budget as a big saver, as him reigning in federal spending. The Politico discusses Obama’s “hard choices.” CBS discusses that this $3.73 budget will somehow reduce the deficit by $1.1 trillion over 10 years, and cuts are deep. The NY Times is, of course, thrilled, and doing […]

Iran Braces For Monday Protests, Team Obama Getting Ahead Of The Curve

I’m actually kind of surprised that this news isn’t getting more news play A Web site connected to one of Iran’s opposition leaders on Sunday renewed calls for a rally in support of the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, setting the stage for a possible confrontation Monday between the government and its critics. The statement […]

Ride A Bamboo Bike For Gaia!

Yes, there use to be content her before WordPress Mobile fucking lost it. Try and fix later. Sigh Ok, here we go. Not going to rebuild the whole thing (sigh), but, here’s the gist of it, via Steven Goddard, we see loonacy at AOL, er, The Huffington Post How can you make a green form […]

Funny Spam

Kinda funny that one of the big spambots I’m seeing is from “”. Shouldn’t globull warming have ended that?

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – Valentine’s Edition

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America, and just a day prior to Valentine’s Day. Did you get your sweetie something, like…..chocolate covered bacon? Everyone loves…..bacon. This pinup is by Don Rust, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 The Other McCain has the straw poll […]

NPR And NY Times Say Bush Was Correct About Pushing Democracy

Get your ice skates out, folks, Hell has just frozen over, starting with NPR: In Egypt, More Proof That George W. Bush Was Right Two weeks of massive street protests have given Egyptians their voice and today Hosni Mubarak has heard them. If the events that led to Mubarak’s resignation after 30 years as president […]

Obama’s DOJ Thinks “Warrentless Wiretapping” Rocks

Remember when this type of news would drive the Left stark raving bonkers? The Obama administration’s Justice Department has asserted that the FBI can obtain telephone records of international calls made from the U.S. without any formal legal process or court oversight, according to a document obtained by McClatchy. That assertion was revealed — perhaps […]

For Valentine’s Day, Sex Or Remote Control?

I guess it’s not jus Eco-loons who have difficulty with Valentine’s Day The peripherals company has strategically leaked a few results from the report, Global Remote Control Trends Study, in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, including the finding that more than a third of Americans (36 percent, to be exact) would rather forgo sex for […]

Sorry, Obama Zombies, It Was Climate Change That Caused Mubarak To Resign

Of course, the narrative is now that it was Obama giving another speech via TOTUS that caused Mubarak to resign, but, Science Blogs thinks differently The Egyptian dictator, Hosni Mubarak, has resigned, finally relenting to weeks of massive protests. Is he the latest casualty of climate change? This is a provacative question, but I believe […]

Good News, Libs! You’ve Made California America’s Most Miserable State!

I know, I know, you’re shocked by the Forbes report via the BBC A new survey of the “most miserable cities” in the US suggests that five of the 10 worst are in California. The BBC’s Peter Bowes considers whether life in the Golden State has really got that bad. For many people, life should […]

Pirate's Cove