February 11, 2011 – 10:05 pm
Awesome stuff from Tim Thank you and thanks to Sean Duffy. Are you fired up and ready to take back our country? That’s great, we really need you. You know why? President Obama has done the impossible. He’s proven that someone can deserve a Nobel Prize less than Al Gore! On what planet do they […]
February 11, 2011 – 4:41 pm
Grist GINK Lisa Hymas is beating her typical “population is bad for the environment and globull warming” meme yet again Deficit-peacock Republicans in the House don’t want to make any cuts at all to the budgets of the Pentagon or the Department of Homeland Security, but they’re delighted to completely eliminate funding for a family-planning […]
February 11, 2011 – 11:00 am
Governor Brewer (hey, Jan, perhaps a presidential run, hint hint?) is not going to sit back and take it Arizona is suing the U.S. government, claiming the feds have failed to secure the border and protect the state from “an invasion” of illegal immigrants. Gov. Jan Brewer said the intent of the lawsuit is to […]
February 11, 2011 – 9:21 am
A hodge-podge of globull warming silliness this Friday morning, starting with Malcolm Bowman, an oceanography professor from Stony Brook University in Long Island, recently stood at the snow-covered edge of the Williamsburg waterfront and pointed toward the Midtown skyline. “Looking at the city, with the setting sun behind the Williamsburg Bridge, it’s a sea of […]
February 11, 2011 – 8:47 am
The original headline of the NY Times article was “US faces stark choice as Mubarak clings to office,” but, perhaps the Fish Wrap realized that the rest of pretty much know what is going on, and have made our choices, and that so far, Obama has voted “present” President Hosni Mubarak’s refusal to step down […]
February 10, 2011 – 10:31 pm
Look, when it comes to the climate alarmists, there is a range that goes from plain silly, to moonbat, on to barking moonbat, unhinged tools, DERP, then there is “dude, you should be involuntarily locked up and the key thrown away.” Guess which one this is If someone told all the parents of the world […]
February 10, 2011 – 4:53 pm
Buried on MSNBC’s front page Wednesday was an interesting article from Reuters, which I found using my Fluent News iPhone app. And those are pretty much the only places this story resides. Just imagine the following came out while Bush was president, or during a John McCain presidency: this story would be one of the […]
February 10, 2011 – 11:45 am
I’m not gay. Happily heterosexual. Also, happily a “neo-conservative,” otherwise known as a “classical liberal.” That means I support minding my own damned business when it comes to most people’s lifestyles. People being gay is not a threat to me. Couldn’t care less. What they do is their business, and doesn’t affect me (see this […]
February 10, 2011 – 10:20 am
Today’s unhinged alarmism comes from the snowy city of Madison, Wisconsin, where they have had well above normal amounts of global warming snow for February (13.5 inches above): Mayor proposes annual city snow day, rail reform at WISPIRG event Just weeks before the mayoral primary, Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz spoke about hot-button issues to an […]
February 10, 2011 – 9:18 am
They’re only almost 15 days late, but, hey, they’ve got a great message! It took a while, but the U.S. State Department is now tweeting in Arabic. With unprecedented political turmoil rocking Egypt and protesters turning to social media such as Twitter and Facebook, the mouthpiece of U.S. foreign policy wants in on the game.Its […]