And away we go! A bit of late afternoon fluff (bad pun)
Every day, more than 3,000 tons of paper towel waste are produced in the United States alone—and this represents a huge environmental impact. For every ton of paper towels produced, 17 trees are cut down and 20,000 gallons of water are consumed. It’s a huge problem with a simple solution: Reduce the estimated 2,400 to 3,000 paper towels the average person uses each year.
PeopleTowels is working to make this simple solution even more straight forward by providing stylish reusable alternatives. With their STOP THE PAPER TOWELS contest, designers like you have a chance to help the cause—and win $500 in the process.
Don’t misunderstand, I do think people use way too much disposable paper, including paper towels. I’ve reduced my usage by purchasing the pick your size type of rolls, and have convinced family and many friends to do the same. Not by badgering them, but by showing them the cost savings. That said, the above is deranged, because there is a simple answer
You can buy these in several colors for $10-$16 at Walmart. But, hey, I’d be happy to take their $500. And this all highlights just why I call so many of them enviro-weenies and climate morons: they want complicated answers to simple questions.
Rule 5 towel below the fold

You really should be using a Sham-Wow. Towels are yesterday.
I forgot, it is made in Germany.
Remember the old perpetual towel dispensers?
I actually have a big pack of them. Use them for all sorts of stuff. They’re great.
I do remember those, Steve. Good stuff.
The towel in the last pic is way to big. Give the pretty lady a wash cloth.
I’m sure people are looking for new ways they can use their Obama shirts, now that they don’t wear them in public anymore. Call it, “The Quicker, *ucker Upper”
There has to be a Sheryl Crow joke in here somewhere…