That’s not the question the Daily Mail focuses on while discussing this event of nature
It doesn’t take much to get the Internet’s lunar-tics out in force.
The web was yesterday awash with apocalyptic warnings that the movement of the moon will trigger tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and even earthquakes next week.
The conspiracy theorists claim that on March 19, the moon will be closer to Earth than at any time since 1992 – just 221,567 miles away – and that its gravitational pull will bring chaos to Earth.
The DM works to knock down all the conspiracy theories about what will be a “supermoon,” (being a little closer than normal perigee’s), but, what about all the loony climate morons who will use this as a way to push their unhinged theories? There should be lower than normal low tides, and higher than normal high tides: which one do you think they will use to illustrate their silly climahysteria?

So, the world’s gonna end on March 19th. Thanks for the tip! I think I’m going to start looting now, just to stay ahead of the crowds.
[…] at The Pirates Cove, he keeps up to date on everything the Globull Climate Change nuts come up […]
Heh heh! You just know there’s going to be some serious craziness on that day.
So, if you loot today, can you put off going to jail till after the end of the world? I’m headin’ for the liquor store, this is gonna be fu-un!
Of course the recent Perigee has nothing to do with the HUGE earthquake that just happened. Same thing with the Indonesian quake….. NO, No, No…..Can’t be…. Guess I am one of those Wacko’s huu?
I guess the additional perigee had nothing to do with the huge quake in Japan? Or the HUGE quake in Indonesia 5 yrs ago? I must just be a wacko….