It’s working exactly as predicted, according to The Wall Street Journal
‘This is the Obama conception of the U.S. role in the world—to work through multilateral organizations and bilateral relationships to make sure that the steps we are taking are amplified.”
—White House National Security Council spokesman Ben Rhodes, March 10, 2011, as quoted in the Washington Post
“They bombed us with tanks, airplanes, missiles coming from every direction. . . . We need international support, at least a no-fly zone. Why is the world not supporting us?”
—Libyan rebel Mahmoud Abdel Hamid, March 10, 2011, as quoted in The Wall Street Journal
Whatever else one might say about President Obama’s Libya policy, it has succeeded brilliantly in achieving its oft-stated goal of not leading the world. No one can any longer doubt the U.S. determination not to act before the Italians do, or until the Saudis approve, or without a U.N. resolution. This White House is forthright for followership.
The scary part is that even Jimmy Carter had more cajones and international leadership than Obama.
Read the whole thing.

I thought the Obama doctrine had something to do with golf.
[…] […]
Probably. Unfortunately, he has turned the most powerful and influential nation into just another 3rd rate player.
OMG… who’d every think that we would ever have another person in office would make Carter look presidential.
Japan is melting and being swallowed up by the sea gods… but Obama just wants to play golf and meet with lots of young college girls.
nothing wrong there.