I’ve mentioned several times that one of the latest meme’s thrown at the wall to try and prop up the dying Cult of Globull Warming is “food security.” Climate morons posit that “climate change” caused by Mankind is causing something something and something, which is leading to higher food prices, and making us all unsafe. What does Mother Nature have to say about this?
According to a recent article written by Ben Aris and obtained by our good friend, Robert Felix, at www.IceAgeNow.com, a continuous series of violent eruptions in the past several months along eastern Russia’s ‘volcanic belt’ has adversely affected global weather patterns.
Food and energy prices, along with cotton and the precious metals, have soared to record or near-record levels. Civil unrest in the Mideast and elsewhere has added fuels to the inflationary fires of fear and greed.
Volcanoes on Russia’s Kamchatka seaboard have been “unusually active” in the last six months, says Aris. He adds, “the clouds of dust and ash have been thrown up into the higher altitudes.” This has diverted the frigid Arctic winds, pushing extremely cold air and moderate to heavy snows deep into the U.S., Europe and parts of Asia, including winter-weary China. Edmonton, Alberta, reported a record low on March 8 of minus-26 degrees. It was an even colder minus-31 degrees at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.
Just this past week, unusually cold air spilled into north-central China, Mongolia and parts of Russia that resulted in widespread winterkill in many winter wheat regions devoid of snowcover. This will only add to the global shortages of the golden grains in the next several months.
Obviously, these volcanoes must be caused by someone turning the heat on at home to fight off the greenhouse gas induced cold weather, causing land rebound or something.
But, back in Reality Land, the Earth will do what the Earth will do. Hot, cold, wet, dry, the natural forces of the Earth make things happen which can threaten “food security”, and grains will be hardest hit during the cold. Wonder why potatoes are so popular? Go back to the Little Ice Age, when the King of France worked his tail off to get the peasants to eat them, so they wouldn’t starve to death. Potatoes had been considered as food to low even for the peasants.

I personally have stocked up on potatos. I’ve got my bathtub full right now. Am planning on filling my old moldy freezer out back next. After that.. the attic. I figure those will keep for at least 5 years, right?