I’m sure that this will somehow create jobs or something, and is obviously an extraordinarily important issue to the American people
The White House today proposed sweeping revisions to U.S. copyright law, including making “illegal streaming” of audio or video a federal felony and allowing FBI agents to wiretap suspected infringers.
In a 20-page white paper (PDF), the Obama administration called on the U.S. Congress to fix “deficiencies that could hinder enforcement” of intellectual property laws.
Obviously, the deficit, debt reduction, a budget, Middle East/North Africa strife, the Japanese earthquake/tsunami, high unemployment, and a raft of other issues are just distractions from this vitally important issue. Along with picking his NCAA brackets.
Under federal law, wiretaps may only be conducted in investigations of serious crimes, a list that was expanded by the 2001 Patriot Act to include offenses such as material support of terrorism and use of weapons of mass destruction. The administration is proposing to add copyright and trademark infringement, arguing that move “would assist U.S. law enforcement agencies to effectively investigate those offenses.”
Got that? Copyright infringement would be classified the same as terrorism, excuse me, Operation Overseas Contingency, and pedophilia. Now, if Bush proposed this, the Normal Liberal Players would be screaming about “tearing the Constitution.”
The White House is concerned that “illegal streaming of content” may not be covered by criminal law, saying “questions have arisen about whether streaming constitutes the distribution of copyrighted works.” To resolve that ambiguity, it wants a new law to “clarify that infringement by streaming, or by means of other similar new technology, is a felony in appropriate circumstances.”
So, if you snag a copy of a, say, ABC News video, and upload it to Youtube, congratulations, you’ll be a felon!

It may work to solve our debt problem. All the government has to do is catch 14 illegal streaming sites, and fine them $1 trillion each.
This really shows Obama’s allegiance to Hollywood and the Music “industry.”
Historically, intellectual copyright has always been a civil matter. But because Hollywood and the RIAA have direct financial contributions to Obama, they want him to push this agenda.
Many of the initial top RIAA lawyers are now with the Justice Department and are adding their time and legal weight to lawsuits filed by companies such as in the case of “Capital v Thomas.”
The brief, filed by the your “we are looking out for the little guy” Justice Department seeks to dismiss the defendant’s motion to lower the award made at trial to Capital Records for $1,500,000 or $62,500 per song Thomas downloaded.
While it can be argued that Republicans are in bed with big business, the fact of the matter is that Democrats, the Left and Obama are not only in bed with businesses, they are staying in the Lincoln bedroom.
Don’t give Obama any ideas, Kevin!
Good points, GTR. The end of the CNET article notes that the vast majority of Hollywood campaign donations have gone to, shockingly! Democrats. This seems like payback to them.
This kind of thing used to be handled primarily in civil, not criminal, court. Only egregious examples would be dealt with in criminal court. Now, they can nail any little guy for getting one song, and call it a felony, if this passes.
Can we get him charged with “political masturbation in public”?
Only egregious examples would be dealt with in criminal court.
The examples in court were always for tangible items. The the people were charged with counterfeiting, not copyright violations.
But now you have the intellectual property laws turned upside down so much that lawyers like those for RightHaven LLC will sue at the drop of a hat, even for what has long been regarded as “fair use.”
The law in this area has come to be a shakedown for IP holders.
Obama has my vote as the BIGGEST LOSER.
He is no leader….is joinned at the hip to the far left sociocommies of hollywood and unions and will do almost anything they ask him to do.
Its why he hasnt closed Gitmo….theres no money in it.
[…] Obama Now Pushing….Copyright Reform! Obviously, the deficit, debt reduction, a budget, Middle East/North Africa strife, the Japanese earthquake/tsunami, high unemployment, and a raft of other issues are just distractions from this vitally important issue. Along with picking his NCAA brackets. […]
So, rapists, illegals, drug pushers, actual thieves, some gun crimes are now less of a threat to our nation that some person streaming video that he has paid for or is broadcast over the air, for others?!!?!?
copyright law has turned fascist. Which, of course, is helped and pushed by our fascist statist government.
This country is turning me more libertarian day by day.
If I were one of these oil companies struggling to get permits for oil drilling, I’d do it anyway. then if caught, sue the gov’t for “intentional loss of revenue” and the EPA for “a taking”.
The examples in court were always for tangible items. The the people were charged with counterfeiting, not copyright violations.
But now you have the intellectual property laws turned upside down so much that lawyers like those for RightHaven LLC will sue at the drop of a hat, even for what has long been regarded as “fair use.â€