Tom Nelson sometimes writes headlines like “Bummer: CO2 from your selfish iPod usage will allegedly cause people in deserts to drown“, making fun of climate morons. Alas, I bet he didn’t see this bit of heartache and climahypocrisy meeting: Your iPod: As dangerous as second-hand smoke?
When you bought your last Apple iPod, you may have been aware that it had been manufactured at a factory in China, perhaps the Foxconn plant in Shenzhen in the province of Guangzhou. (Let’s put aside for the moment the working conditions there.) You may have been aware too that in manufacturing your electronic marvel, the Shenzhen plant emitted roughly 25 pounds of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. It’s even possible that you were aware of the 9-10 pounds of CO2 emitted in transporting the device to you from China. (snip)
Thus far, then, your iPod has contributed to glacial melting in the Himalayas, the dirty air in Guangzhou, and the increasing incidence of respiratory disease in China. And once the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter released by the coal that fired the Foxconn plant arrive in L.A., your purchase can claim a small contribution to the heavy smog that hangs over the city of Los Angeles and to the ozone-polluted air Angelinos breathe in daily. (Snip)
At a minimum, then, your 4.9-ounce jewel of an iPod, over the course of its life, is responsible for 200 times its weight in greenhouse gas emissions. And there still remains the matter of recycling …
Here’s the kicker
I wish I didn’t love my iPod.
Got that? The climate alarmist Grist writer, Daniel K. Gardner, can’t even give up his iPod to save Mother Gaia from man-induced globull warming. Not particularly surprising. Most alarmists do not want to make even minor changes in their lives. But, they want you to make huge changes in yours. Usually by government decree.

So how much greenhouse gasses were released in the making of the Nissan Leaf? Or the Volt? Or the Prius? How many ipods would have been made to make *one* of these cars? And how much energy do these cars use on one charge/fillup compared to an ipod in a month?
[…] The Pirates Cove, your iPod is bad for the planet or […]
I have said it before, if the liberals truly feel that CO2 is causing global warming, then it would seem the best, most immediate means of reducing this problem would be mass suicide by the true believers. This should be strongly encouraged.
[…] Good News! Your iPod Is Really Bad For Globull Warming Got that? The climate alarmist Grist writer, Daniel K. Gardner, can’t even give up his iPod to save Mother Gaia from man-induced globull warming. Not particularly surprising. Most alarmists do not want to make even minor changes in their lives. But, they want you to make huge changes in yours. Usually by government decree. […]
Remember, Black Sabbath, with liberals/climate alarmists, it is all about intentions, not results. So the weenie cars are Good and Right and Helpful.
What they want, David, is to reduce the population in……third world shitholes, excuse me, developing countries, by offering birth control and abortion on demand. Oh, and reducing things that make them healthier, like DDT.