I will hand it to Team Obama, they have put together a very good weekly address, with lots of facts and figures to push the meme that Obama isn’t abandoning/ignoring his duties while he travels abroad, destroying Gaia through globull warming with his fossil fueled flights and massive motorcade. Anyhow
The President Announces Economic Lessons to be Learned from Countries on the Latin America Trip
Rather profound pompous, eh?
In recent days, we’ve seen turmoil and tragedy around the world, from change in the Middle East and North Africa to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. As I said on Friday, we will work with our partners in the region to protect innocent civilians in Libya and hold the Gaddafi regime accountable. And we will continue to stand with the people of Japan in their greatest hour of need.
As we respond to these immediate crises abroad, we also will not let up in our efforts to tackle the pressing, ongoing challenges facing our country, including accelerating economic growth. That’s why, over the weekend, I’ll be in Latin America. One of the main reasons for my trip is to strengthen economic partnerships abroad so that we create good jobs at home.
If one has to explain why he is not blowing off his regular duties, to offer defenses, he’s generally admitting that he is blowing off his regular duties.
Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly. And as these markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services. The question is, Where are those goods and services going to come from? As President, I want to make sure these products are made in America. I want to open more markets around the world so that American companies can do more business and hire more of our people.
Here’s a statistic to explain why this is important. Every $1 billion of goods and services we export supports more than 5,000 jobs in the United States. So, the more we sell overseas, the more jobs we create on our shores. That’s why, last year, I set a goal for this country: to double our exports by 2014. And it’s a goal we’re on track to meet.
I I I I I I. And there is nothing wrong with expanding the possibility of exports to South America. Yet, instead of sending a community organizer, I would think sending someone with an actual knowledge of international business might have made more sense.
In 2010, America’s exports to Brazil supported more than 250,000 American jobs. These are jobs at places like Capstone Turbine in California, which recently sold $2 million worth of high-tech energy equipment to Brazil. Another company is Rhino Assembly, a small business in Charlotte, North Carolina that sells and repairs tools for building cars and planes. A deal with a distributor in Brazil has resulted in new sales and new employees at that firm. And we can point to large companies like Sikorsky, whose helicopter sales to Brazil help sustain a large, skilled workforce in Connecticut, Alabama, and Pennsylvania.
Great. They can erect wind turbines in Brazil, but, the enviro-weenies block them here in the USA. And, aren’t cars, planes, and helicopters bad for “climate change”? Anyhow, what did Obama have to do with any of those? The companies did it on their own, especially Sikorsky, which has made, and sold, helicopters since 1925?
We’ve always had a special bond with our neighbors to the south. It’s a bond born of shared history and values, and strengthened by the millions of Americans who proudly trace their roots to Latin America. But what is clear is that in an increasingly global economy, our partnership with these nations is only going to become more vital. For it’s a source of growth and prosperity – and not just for the people of Latin America, but for the American people as well.
A “special bond”? Really? Since when? I bet England is glad to hear about that special bond, since Obama has blown off England multiple times. Oh, right, there’s that special bond where Obama has given Brazil billions so they can perform deep water drilling. And the first company to get a floating oil production and storage permit for the Gulf area was Petrobras, a Brazilian company, owned by the Brazilian government.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.