Funny stuff by warmist Glen Hodgsen from the warm -20C land of Canada
It has been a pet peeve of mine that ever since the debate began about the potential catastrophic effects of excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, people have dubbed the problem with the misleading misnomer of “Global Warmingâ€.
Except, that was the whole point! That Mankind’s release of greenhouse gases, mostly focused on Carbon Dioxide, would warm the world and wipe out all life on Earth
While we shiver through another -20°C day, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who feels at this stage of the year that a little planetary warming would be a bad thing. With the exception of those that really enjoy snowmobiling and ice-fishing, a shorter winter would probably be seen as a good thing by many.
This is what makes me cringe and why I take great pains in every conversation I have to correct the terminology and replace the term “global warming†with “climate changeâ€, a more accurate descriptor of what is really happening.
Glen follows this up with the standard boilerplate gloom and doom, saying why they should call it climate change, basically because all their computer models and truthsayer predictions from Madame Zelda have completely failed. This way, they can still blame Mankind for every weather event. Then head over to the globull warming rally in their SUVs.
For years scientists have been warning that this was coming but all too often their calls fell on deaf ears. Our own country’s record on climate change is abysmal to say the least.
Except, they weren’t. They were telling us the Earth would warm, and the seas would rise, and we would all burn. Winter would be a thing of the past. Then they would jump in a private jet to fly across the world to a UN IPCC conference.
Now, all the sages are proving to be correct and any idealistic thoughts about the benefits of slight “global warming†have been replaced by the harsh reality of “climate changeâ€.
Sages is a good word, something more reminiscent of a wizard from Dungeons and Dragons rather than a scientist taking actual physical readings. The climate will always change. Always has…..well, you know the drill.

Whats with the celcious measurement?
Well, Canada. And, it’s Sunday, so, too lazy to convert.
[…] Unhinged Warmist: Stop Calling It Global Warming! Glen follows this up with the standard boilerplate gloom and doom, saying why they should call it climate change, basically because all their computer models and truthsayer predictions from Madame Zelda have completely failed. This way, they can still blame Mankind for every weather event. Then head over to the globull warming rally in their SUVs. […]
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