Face it, alarmists, you created the following situation. You’ve all mostly been about “spreading awareness”, getting others to change their behavior, yet rarely actually Doing Something themselves. And now some are finally wondering if it is all bunk
David Cameron, the Prime Minister, has described it as the big green society in action, but is Climate Week really going to save the planet or is it green wash?
The inaugural week-long event will see more than 2,800 events that highlight practical ways to tackle climate change.
More than 100,000 schoolchildren and office workers will (be forced) take part in challenges to come up with a new green idea that saves or makes money.
Supporters include (huge climahypocrites) Sir Paul McCartney, Al Gore and Lord Stern.
However more than 20 green groups are boycotting the event including the World Development Movement, the Centre for Alternative Technology and Artist Project Earth.
The groups say the event cannot be taken seriously when it is sponsored by corporations such as the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which provides finance to the coal industry.
Kinda weird that the enviroweenie groups like the WWF and Greenpeace aren’t providing funds…..what? They need those funds to pay the high salaries of their upper management and to fundraise? Oh.
Campaigners Climate Rush grafittied a number of Tesco stores as ‘Tesco2’, in protest at the failure of another sponsor Tesco to do enough to cut carbon emissions. Activists shouted and held signs outside the launch of Climate Week at Lancaster House. They demanded to know what the for-profit event was really doing to tackle climate change?
Is graffiti vandalism carbon neutral? How many trees did they kill for their signs? And notice that they want Someone Else to tackle the climate change hoax, while they themselves do nothing by whine. Obviously, profit is bad for globull warming, because we all know that people with no money are able to Do Something.