Treehugger Wonders Why So Many Less Give A Crap About Earth Hour

Poor little darlings, watching their pet cult die out as the disciples realize that nothing is what it seems, and that the elders in the Church Of Gore just want their money and obedience

Earth Hour started in Sydney in 2007; by 2009 it had spread around the world, becoming a very big deal everywhere but in the USA, where it never really caught on; even the website is empty and looks bogus. This year, the Australian organizers promise over a billion participants in 133 countries. A lot of press releases are flying round the internet, but something seems to be missing. This year the lights are going out not with a bang, but a whimper.

Three years ago in Toronto, ten thousand people turned up to hear Nelly Furtado sing “Turn out the light” at an Earth Hour concert in Toronto; last year a couple of hundred showed up; this year the concert is cancelled.

What’s causing this Earth Hour Ennui?

Treehugger never really answers the question, because, if they did, they would have have to acknowledge that Earth Hour is simply a feel good bit of silliness that accomplishes nothing, because for the rest of the year, the True Believers go right back to their high CO2 lifestyles.

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5 Responses to “Treehugger Wonders Why So Many Less Give A Crap About Earth Hour”

  1. […] Treehugger Wonders Why So Many Less Give A Crap About Earth Hour Poor little darlings, watching their pet cult die out as the disciples realize that nothing is what it seems, and that the elders in the Church Of Gore just want their money and obedience […]

  2. Doomed says:

    Once again most feel good, tree huggers really are confused about global warming and climate change and pollution.

    We all want the earth to be managed. Pollution to be reigned in. Our water sources taken care of and our land managed in a responsible way.

    We all want that.

    The problem is the AGW crowd has used bait and switch on us. They baited us with Pollution then switched it to co2…..and now everyones finally realizing that not only is it bait and switch but they dont want to do anything about c02……

    They simply want to tax co2…then use the money to send to third world countries.

    They get it now….the right has been pounding the truth for 5 years now and finally the average man on the street is finally starting to get it.

    While they see their collective bargaining rights being threatened…have NO JOBS, cant pay their bills……

    Yet the AGW crowd wants to punish the economy even more by taking away more jobs and more money??????

    I dont think so……has become their response.

  3. captainfish says:

    Maybe no one showed up because we are all too busy trying to either find a job or keep our job in the face of economic destruction by those SAME people who put our economy in this situation!!!!


  4. Black Sabbath says:

    The article states that “Turn Out The Light” was a success everywhere except the USA. Then uses Toronto as an example of where there is little turnout. Toronto is not in the USA.

  5. captainfish says:

    Wait! What?
    It isn’t?
    But, it is part of North America. Right?
    And, USA comprises North America. Right? (except for that southern tail part that we just can’t figure out what to do with like a klingon from the bathroom).

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