Kinda hard to believe that people at the Politico are being somewhat critical of Obama, as the news outlet has typically been one of his best cheerleaders, but, there you have it, though it is a bit more of the “tut-tut” type criticism, along with an attempt to explain what’s inside Obama’s head, since Obama hasn’t yet taken the time to explain his actions to the American people
It’s hard to find a precedent for a president ordering U.S. military forces into action, then heading off for a five-day tour of Latin America, but that’s just what President Barack Obama did when he approved the deployment of air and naval assets to establish a no-fly zone over Libya.
His homecoming gift is a barrage of questions about the military action Obama aides refuse to label a “war.â€
They’re tending to call it a “humanitarian crisis”, and the Washington Post is good enough to follow along with this meme. But, no matter what they call it, most Americans can figure out it’s a war.
Obama was asked the most obvious question – what is the U.S. endgame in Libya? – several times during his trip. His answers seemed deliberately obtuse: To stop a humanitarian crisis and, hopefully, drive Muammar Qadhafi from power, while at the same time ceding leadership of the effort to countries with a direct regional stake in the outcome – France and Arab League nations – sooner rather than later.
Of course they are obtuse: he has no idea what he is doing, his people have different messages, 3 of his female advisors talked him into it, and, come on, guys, he’s just trying to kick a soccer ball and create jobs.
The story has four questions for Obama, who doesn’t seem inclined to answer, and under the first, “can we really get out fast?”, we get
The Obama administration prides itself on moving quickly in times of crisis, but this time they have moved so quickly to counter Qadhafi’s threat to rebels they were forced to create a command structure “on the fly,†in the words of Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Really? Seriously? Did Glenn Thrush and Abby Phillip just write that? Moving fast? In whose world? In most times of crisis, Team Obama dithers till it is too late, or almost too late. The Iranian uprising? Never involved. Egypt? Waited way late. Libya? Way late. Of course, too be fair, if a Muslim goes on a shooting spree at an Army base and is shouting Allahu Ackbar, Obama is quick to jump in and say we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
But, Mr. Obama does have some questions to answer. The majority of Americans, like myself, approve of this operation, but would like to possibly hear something about it straight from the lips of the Commander In Chief. 79% of us want there to be attempts to remove Gdaffy. Where are we going with this operation?
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

I hear ya Teach, and agree.
I concur that we needed to assist them, whoever the rebels may turn out to be- when a piece of crap like Muammar Qadhafi began killing them for their protests. At least in Egypt, Mubarek was not shooting them in the streets.
I would have liked a quicker response- one way or another, either help or decline. Then put forth a definitive mission- like taking him out. And I would actually have prefered that the US lead, with all of the others nations support. We ARE…The USA, as a Penn Stater might say.
But I think our leader is not fearless; that his polls are crucial to every action he makes. And this kind of military action is not popular with his base. Which is dwindling.
He has a large majority of his country’s support on this issue, but cannot be clear (no matter how many times he says “let me be clear”) what his message is! That is what is so frustrating.
I must confess I am in the minority here but I do not feel as if the US should be assisting them at all.
We cant afford it.
If we can then all this shouting about the debt is a LIE.
We are being Cloward and Pivened into chaos by a master community disorganizer who is in bed with commies and Union thugs who just dont see their flirtation with communism as anything other then democracy.
In the end it has become about “WHATS IN IT FOR ME” in this country.
We cant afford to fire cruise missles at Libya or spend the millions per day to run air cover over the country.
I for one believe the debt and our deficit is a big deal.
It seems that the 70 percent of Americans who favor bombing the hell out of Libya have grown so accustomed to humongous deficits that they trully…………
Of course, too be fair, if a Muslim goes on a shooting spree at an Army base and is shouting Allahu Ackbar, Obama is quick to jump in and say we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.
But, Mr. Obama does have some questions to answer. The majority of Americans, like myself, approve of this operation, but would like to possibly hear something about it straight from the lips of the Commander In Chief.
Liked that.
And, he has more to answer to than just the American people whom he has flipped the middle finger to. He is obliged by law to inform Congress of his actions within 48 hours. He has not done so. He has flipped them the bird.
But, what is new. He has been doing that from day one. All his actions have been to undermine and subvert the role of the Legislative and Judicial branches. He uses unapproved Czars to go around Congress and ignores the rulings of Judges when they don’t suit him.
This man is the most evil thing to hit this world since Hitler. I think he has done more damage to our nation and our Laws than USSR could have ever hoped to do.
Granted, we have been opening the door for this guy over the last 3-4 decades. No one is blameless. I just hope our eyes can be opened in time before our country collapses.
Hey Teach,
Does this mean we also now have to intervene in Syria, since REAL civilians are being shot and killed there??
Syria could be a different story, because you could easily be replacing the violent government with serious Islamists. Which is one thing I am concerned about with Libya, because so far, we don’t know how involved the Islamists are with the opposition.