The Warmists are really digging to prop up their dying cult, with all its useless gestures, like today’s Earth Hour
The fifth annual Earth Hour falls this weekend, but what interest does it have for the religious believer? Ignoring those for whom carbon emission reduction is not an issue at all, it has still been critiqued as a pointless gesture that has a minimal effect on carbon reduction, as something which deludes participants into believing that no further action is required, and as a secular symbol with far less power than any religious one. If we are going to be environmental because our religion teaches us to be, then let’s do so under our banner rather than someone else’s!
These arguments have some parallels to criticisms of another regular event, in which believers go into a holy huddle for an hour or so to escape from the real world. People complain that they come out the same as they went in, and they could instead spend the time much more fruitfully out there doing all the helpful things Jesus did. And if they’re good people anyway, why can’t they just do them and scrap the “Christian” nonsense?
Yet, there is a problem with that analogy: Christians tend to go to Church every week, and attempt to live their lives in accordance with the teachings of the Bible and Jesus. Warmists turn out a few lightbulbs for one hour, watching TV in the dark, the fridge is running, all the other appliances are plugged in, and then go back to their normal high energy usage lives for the other 8759 hours in a year.
But, supposedly, Earth Hour is a way to sit back and reflect. Knowing the warmists, what they will reflect on is how awesome they are for taking 1 hour out of their busy modern lives to sit in the dark and Do Something, and that they should be congratulated for it. Pure narcissism. Pure “look at me, Ma!”
With this in mind, there seems to be a clear message for the religious environmentalist. Whatever you may think of the symbolism and practical effect, an hour’s darkness free of electricity-induced distractions provides an ideal opportunity to reconnect, recharge and reconsider your motivations.
Yup, it’s officially a religion.

My Earth Hour plan is to mow the lawn, refill the gas tank and leave the mower running for an extra hour!
[…] Snap! Earth Hour Is Apparently Like Praying To Jesus Or Something Yet, there is a problem with that analogy: Christians tend to go to Church every week, and attempt to live their lives in accordance with the teachings of the Bible and Jesus. Warmists turn out a few lightbulbs for one hour, watching TV in the dark, the fridge is running, all the other appliances are plugged in, and then go back to their normal high energy usage lives for the other 8759 hours in a year. […]
My earth hour plan is to convince someone…anyone that the USA could solve its gas crisis by using golf carts.
I have property. I have 2 golf carts. Each cart has two sets of batteries which I simply flip a switch and keep on driving.
A golf cart can run about 10 miles on a single charge. 2 sets of batteries can give you about 20 miles. 3 sets could give you 30 miles.
Drive to work on one battery charge….drive home on the second battery charge…..Plug it in…rinse…repeat.
Golf carts could be built to be enclosed for cold weather…..would probably not ever have air conditioning……woe is us.
They are actually a lot of fun to run around in. Of course they dont do so well if an 8000 lb dually runs a stop light. So moving to 4 battery golf carts which would require about 300 dollars per year investment in new batteries along with about 300 dollars per year in recharge fees would just make too much sense.
Not that I want to see the demise of Gasoline or Oil but Im thinking to myself….oil seems to be in short supply…it seems to be a game played by hedge fund managers…its seems to be a game played by governments…..
Or in short The George Soros’ of the world really run things. Perhaps golf carts could return some of the power to the people….slow down life just a little…ease the pressure on oil and gasoline and return some of the fun to life.
Just saying.