This is the world the warmists want to take Mankind to. Of course, they’ll also be the first ones to complain if the power is out and can’t hold a community organizing session: Japan copes with 21st-century dark age
The first pitch of Japan’s baseball season has been pushed back so people don’t waste gasoline driving to games. When the season does start, most night games will be switched to daytime so as not to squander electricity. There will be no extra innings.
Tokyo’s iconic electronic billboards have been switched off. Trash is piling up in many northern cities because garbage trucks don’t have gasoline. Public buildings go unheated. Factories are closed, in large part because of rolling blackouts and because employees can’t drive to work with empty tanks.
This is what happens when a 21st-century, technologically sophisticated country runs critically low on energy. The March 11 earthquake and tsunami have thrust much of Japan into an unaccustomed dark age that could drag on for up to a year.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m pro-alternative energy sources, ones which are cleaner (smog, not CO2) than coal and oil. But many of those sources are nowhere near ready for prime-time (hydro and geothermal are only viable in certain areas), not to mention that so many enviro-weenies work hard to block their construction.
This is the world the climate alarmists are taking us to. They don’t like nuclear, oil, natural gas, or coal. They love alternatives, but, won’t let them be implemented. They want to confiscate trillions from Someone Else in order to fund research into energy methods that they won’t allow to be used. I’d suggest they climate morons live like so many Japanese are forced to for long periods, and we’ll see if the warmists change their tune.

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