March 18, 2011 – 9:00 am
Over the cold and snowy winter, something we had been told was a thing of the past, we were treated to a raft of stories saying “this is what globull warming looks like!” Now, the Warmists seem to be pushing the meme that all the earthquake activity is caused by the climate change hoax, with […]
March 18, 2011 – 7:49 am
Unfortunately, for The Politico and Obama, the attempt by Josh Gerstein to defend The Reluctant President’s South American trip falls flat, as he spends quite a bit of time at the beginning explaining why he should not go, which is what people will remember Some 26 months into Barack Obama’s presidency, Latin America’s moment has […]
March 17, 2011 – 7:36 pm
Following up on the post from earlier today The United Nations Security Council approved a measure on Thursday authorizing “all necessary measures†to protect Libyan civilians from harm at the hands of forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. The measure allows not only a no-fly zone but effectively any measures short of a ground invasion […]
March 17, 2011 – 11:47 am
Tom Nelson sometimes writes headlines like “Bummer: CO2 from your selfish iPod usage will allegedly cause people in deserts to drown“, making fun of climate morons. Alas, I bet he didn’t see this bit of heartache and climahypocrisy meeting: Your iPod: As dangerous as second-hand smoke? When you bought your last Apple iPod, you may […]
March 17, 2011 – 10:22 am
Nice Deb: Sometimes A Dog’s Best Friend…Is Another Dog
March 17, 2011 – 10:20 am
Sister Toldjah: My Prez wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the ti-ime
March 17, 2011 – 10:10 am
This is going to make Obama’s liberal base happy with his adventurous militarism The US is pushing the UN to authorise not just a no-fly zone over Libya, but also the use of air strikes to stop the advance of forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi. Washington’s ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said on Wednesday […]
March 17, 2011 – 9:27 am
Apparently, the NY Times editorial board, an anonymous group of people who represent the feeling and thoughts, well, being the NY Times, simply the feelings, of the paper, bring you your Thursday humor in an editorial entitled Talking About Guns. After discussing the number of supposed gun deaths since Gabby Giffords was shot (2,400, and […]
March 16, 2011 – 10:37 pm
Ezra should go back to discussing Sarah Palin’s clothes, and leave the big boy issues alone: Wonkbook: The disaster we refuse to see coming There are disasters we can’t see coming, and then there are disasters we refuse to see coming. That an earthquake (and tsunami) of biblical proportions would crack open nuclear power plants […]