A little late to the party, what with work, but, here you go
Stirred up by a trio of angry mullahs who urged them to avenge the burning of a Koran at a Florida church, thousands of protesters overran the compound of the United Nations in this northern Afghan city, killing at least 12 people, Afghan and United Nations officials said.
The dead included at least seven United Nations workers — four Nepalese guards and three Europeans from Romania, Sweden and Norway — according to United Nations officials in New York. One was a woman. Early reports, later denied by Afghan officials, said that at least two of the dead had been beheaded. Five Afghans were also killed.
Friday’s episode began when three mullahs, addressing worshipers at Friday Prayer inside the Blue Mosque here, one of Afghanistan’s holiest places, urged people to take to the streets to agitate for the arrest of Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who oversaw the burning of a Koran on March 20.
Over at The Jawa Report, Rusty catches the Taliban wondering what would happen if they responded by burning a Bible. Rusty has an answer for them.
Obviously, this occurance has the Normal Liberal Players blaming…..anyone by the Muslim animals. The Right Sphere lists some. Here’s Hullabaloo
There is no excuse for Afghan religious extremists to kill UN aid workers because some other religious extremist in Florida decided to burn a book. On the other hand, there is no excuse for a major faction of one of the political parties in America to fan the flames of religious extremist in Florida for cheap political gain — they bear some share of the blame for this too. They created the public space for this bigotry with their stupid mosque protests and congressional hearings and there’s a price to be paid when that kind of ignorance and intolerance is given credibility by major players in our political system. Those UN workers paid that price today.
Got that? It’s the fault of the American Right, not the fault of people who practice a murderous and backwards religion founded by an illiterate and pedophile. And Firedoglake
Aside from actions having consequences, this is a powerful example of the dangers of foreign occupation. Provocations can lead the local populations to turn on not only the occupiers, but the NGOs and UN officials trying to keep the peace and help the villagers. The entire mission needs to be rethought in this context.
It’s the fault of 1st world workers trying to bring these 3rd world shitholes into the 20th Century (yes, I meant 20th. Heck, lucky if we can drag them into the 19th). Think Progress
It’s important to note that several prominent members of the far right — many of them leaders of the anti-Park 51 movement — bashed Petraues for his warnings. Blogger Robert Spencer said he opposed Jones’ plan but called Petraeus’ remarks “a recipe for surrender.†Frank Gaffney criticized Petraues’ “deeply troubling†remarks, and said “[t]he risk is that, were one to take statements like General Petraeus’ to their logical conclusion, any objection to the Quran-derived program of shariah could be deemed an endangerment to our troops overseas. The result of such a practice would inevitably be to put at risk here at home both the American people and their Constitution.†And hate blogger Pamela Gellar wondered “[i]f we stop doing things they dislike, where will we draw the line?â€
Blaming everyone but the Islamic savages. And remember when Charles Johnson would aim his venom at the Muslims? Yeah, not so much anymore. Now he simply blames Jones. Surely, Excitable Chucky will get around to blame the Right Wing soon. But not the Islamists.

“Blaming everyone but the Islamic savages. And remember when Charles Johnson would aim his venom at the Muslims? Yeah, not so much anymore. Now he simply blames Jones.”
Either the head of the armed forces was also “blaming” Jones a couple of years ago when he also pointed out the phenominal stupidity of trying to encite this exact outcome by staging this exact event and pointed out that troops will also suffer this fate, or he was simply describing the entirely predictable reaction.
Do you really want to post your opinion a 2nd time about who you think is to blame when US soldiers start getting abducted over stunts like this? That’ll be no more surprising and any less predicted that this event.
It’ll also be as useful then to point out I can burn a bible then as it is now. Maybe shoot off an email to the UN mission there, see how relevant that strikes them as being today. Maybe they’ll tell you that you’re clever.
Meanwhile, you’ve a bunch of quotes here, without the one posted over at UN Dispatch. The one you clearly read at Hullaballoo. Why don’t you try tackling that instead of what some random blogger thinks, as though this is relevant.
That this one act of bigoted attention whoring took a stable, cooperative Afghan community and turned the populace against the mission there and had unarmed civilians overrunning a compound in a manner that makes their staff question if this is the end of their involvement in the country.
Why don’t you post your thoughts on that in the context of telling us about people choosing to blame Jones. As though his responsibility is even questionable enough to deserve the use of the word blame.
Islamist and stable, not two words that really go together.
Insane people are not stable. The Imam and his flock are obviously sociopaths. The mission had armed guards who apparently waited to long to open fire, though it’s unlikely that would have changed the ultimate outcome. We can’t kill enough of these people to effect an acceptable out come but we can try.
President Obama no longer supports climate change, nor does his government as he was silent about the “crisis†in the State of the Union Address and was silent when the Senate killed IPCC funding.
You remaining modern day witch burners of climate control belief are sad jokes for history as scientists earn about as much respect from voters as abusive priests do. The vast majority of voters who are now former climate control believers are not going to vote yes for taxing the air to make the weather colder. YOU are the new denier if you think otherwise. You remaining faded clowns of climate blame look like the last fella to ever show up to the party still dressed in Disco duds.
And meanwhile, the UN had allowed carbon trading to trump 3rd world fresh water relief, starvation rescue and 3rd world education for just over 24 years of climate control instead of needed population control. History is watching and laughing and crying. REAL planet lovers are happy and overjoyed with relief that this “crisis†was avoided after all. Condemning our kids to death just to make them turn the lights out more often was criminal.
It is all about mentality of the people. They want to be westernized but they think that every single problem can be solved by violence. That is the reason why countries like Afghanistan will never be able to achieve developed nation status.
They don’t want to be westernized. Desiring to improve ones standard of living isn’t the same as wanting the non-material benefits of civilization. As long as they practice sociopathy as a religion they will have neither improved living standards or civilization.
The primary question asked was what would have happened if the muslims had burned a Bible – a book that is copied over a million times a year, altered, changed and bastardized just as many times.
My answer. Nuclear Armegeddon against the Vegans. And once those people’s bones are boiling in the gutter, we’d go after the Hindi Rappers. And finally, we’d go after those least responsible, but still responsible – the evil flatulating cows.
That will make people not mess with the Bible ever again.
If that still doesn’t work…. We’ll go to the UN.
What a title. Islamists? Just who are you referring to when you throw that around? So it’s wrong/deluded to be a Muslim? Use the correct terms and be direct about the sort of message you want your readers to understand. Clearly you lack critical thinking for you don’t have the knowledge of Islam or Muslims. “Got that? It’s the fault of the American Right, not the fault of people who practice a murderous and backwards religion founded by an illiterate and pedophile” -oh aren’t you knowledgeable and right? You do realize saying Islam is a backward religion implies monotheistic religions are too as well right? Don’t you even understand the connections? Nice try though.
Just because the savages who are are running amok in celebration of their pseudo religious tenets are incapable of impulse control doesn’t mean they are not responsible for their actions. While imitating religion Islam is actually an ideology fonded for the purpose of institutionalizing rape, pillage and pedophilia.
You can’t have Islamic Extremists without Islam. It is a pity that the west has not yet recognized the existential threat Islam has always been to humanity. Perhaps we shall before it’s too late.
It’s wrong/deluded to be a Muslim is.
Islamists? Just who are you referring to when you throw that around?
Apparently you are unaware that the suffix “-ist” “denote a person who practices or is concerned with something, or holds certain principles.”
Tell us all, Meredith, were the people that attacked the UN compound those who follow Islam?
So it’s wrong/deluded to be a Muslim?
So it is right to kill in the name of Islam over a book being destroyed?
Clearly you lack critical thinking for you don’t have the knowledge of Islam or Muslims.
The lack of critical thinking is that you refuse to make the connection between followers of Islam and the storming of the UN compound.
You do realize saying Islam is a backward religion implies monotheistic religions are too as well right?
Uh. No.
People and religions are judged by those within and without by their actions.
If you want to make the connections between other monotheistic religions, please tell me what other monotheistic religion calls for people to kill over the burning of a book 12,000 miles away?
The fact of the matter is that Islam separates itself not by any “truth” as compared to other monotheistic religions, but by the actions of those who follow and practice the religion.
This is quite different from oh, say, Christianity and Judaism. When an action is committed in the name of that religion that is contrary to the teachings of the religion, leaders and teachers step out and say “that isn’t right.”
But yet here you are in a forum trying to defend the actions of the people who stormed a UN compound and killed 11 people.
Are you unwilling to say the actions were wrong? Or are you just going to sit there and say that it is wrong to attack the belief system that drove the attack?
Nice try though.
Back atcha.
Actually, it wasn’t a nice try on your part. It was totally pathetic and lacking in logical thought. But that is what we have come to expect from folks like yourself.
Thanks GC.
I could not come up with a cogent and reasoned reply while I was rolling all over the floor laughing my butt off from Meredith’s post.
Here’s another difference between our monotheistic religions. Our has more than one prophet. Yours has only one and was a pedophile and war-crazy. Ours has a God coming down for us because he loved us so much. Yours threatens his children with death for NOT killing non-members. Ours believes that our holy books are produced by a machine in Hackensack NJ or somewhere. Maybe in China. It is the meaning behind the words that sustain our Faith.
You want to burn one, go ahead. Then go buy another and burn that one. Then go buy another one. (and watch the sales of Bibles climb). God wrote his Bible in to my heart through the death of his son.
I tend to be careful about the “can’t have islamic extremists without islam” because we had a period of time in the Christian religion where we were barbaric, murderous and corrupt. We the people saw that as wrong and returned\restored it to what it was meant to be.
Problem with Islam, the extremists are the ones that are taking their ideology to where it was meant to be.
Hey Meredith and Sandakan, who do you blame when muslims kill muslims?
Are you still going to defend em?
Either the head of the armed forces was also “blaming†Jones a couple of years ago when he also pointed out the phenominal stupidity of trying to encite this exact outcome by staging this exact event and pointed out that troops will also suffer this fate, or he was simply describing the entirely predictable reaction.
What part of the First Amendment eludes your comprehension? In this country Jones’ act – one which most will agree was foolish and stupid – is protected free speech.
In essence you are excusing the actions of the killers by saying they were “provoked.” Tell us, Sandakan, what exactly did the men and women in the UN compound do to deserve being killed? Or are you really trying to argue that the actions of one person, 12,000 miles away, who was not related to, or even from the same country as the people in the compound justified their murder?
That’ll be no more surprising and any less predicted that this event.
And because it is “no more surprising and any (sic) less less predicted (sic) than this event,” that morally justifies the action? Is that really what you want to say?
You must believe that if a person is walking down the street at night and gets robbed, the robbery is acceptable because the person walked down the street. “Their getting robbed was totally foreseeable, so we blame the person who was robbed rather than the actual thieves.” That is your position, right?
Frankly, that belief is lacking in any type of logic and morals.
You are willing to excuse the criminals for no other reason than it was “predictable.” But what exactly was predictable? The fact that a bunch of Muslims took offense at the burning of some paper? The fact that a bunch of Muslims killed over the burning of some paper? Gee, what is next…. threats against authors? Artists? Killing of publishers? Film makers?
Oh wait, Muslims have done that as well.
That this one act of bigoted attention whoring took a stable, cooperative Afghan community and turned the populace against the mission there and had unarmed civilians overrunning a compound in a manner that makes their staff question if this is the end of their involvement in the country.
You’re correct. This one act of revenge by some leaders took a stable community and turned them into a murdering mob. Jones was wrong, but his actions were protected under US and International Law. Can the same be said for those who killed the 11 people? The bigoted attention whores are the leaders that led people against the compound.
As though his responsibility is even questionable enough to deserve the use of the word blame.
You’re right. It isn’t questionable. There is no question by reasonable, moral, law abiding people that Jones is not responsible for the actions of those who stormed the compound, killing 11 people. The people that did the killing are responsible. No one else. Jones did not scream “kill people!” Jones did not lead an attack on the compound. Jones did not pull a trigger on a gun. Jones did not stab or beat anyone.
So tell us, Sandakan, enlighten us all as to how supposedly intelligent, caring and followers of a “peace loving religion” can be so easily to murder led by some old white guy 12,000 miles away.
The fact of the matter is that he could not. But that simple fact will elude you because you are looking at others to blame rather than those who did the actual crime.
A bunch of people killed 11 people for no reason other than they were “offended.” They weren’t offended by the people they killed. They were just offended.
If their actions – actions of which you appear to approve – are examples of a “religion of peace,” then Islam is like a 3 year old child. You can try to reason with them, talk to them, engage them in a conversation, but ultimately their childish emotions, rather than morals, laws, reasoning and thought will drive their actions.
And when they have finished killing, they, like you, will blame others instead of looking at themselves.
Thanks GC.
You’re welcome, Cap’n While you were laughing I was pitying the poor person who thought that their comment was well thought out. Ignorance can be cured.
Teach,,,, sorry for the long posts. I get carried away sometimes.
Ignorance can sometimes be cured, the kind of stupidity that blames Jones for the Savage’s actions, doubtful.
That Sandakan finds the Afghans reaction so predictable is the most damning opinion here.
Hey Adobe, give Sandakan a break. I too found their reaction predictable. Yet, I am outraged and disgusted and terrified of their behavior to the point of asking….. “Where’s the bombs being dropped from our F-16s or B-52s on top of their heads?”
Why weren’t they shot soon after this happened?
These are the people we are liberating?
Well, this is the administration that is giving aid, comfort, weapons, and weapons training to in Libya right now. The same people we have declared war on the world over!!
So, would make some sick unidentifiable sense that we allowed the killers to walk free in Afghanistan while arming the same people in Libya.
These people believe that no one should have a upper hand in the world. THey believe that everyone should have equal rights the world over (our rights). And it just aint right that one side of a conflict should be more powerful than the other.
We could have easily won these wars by now. But the PC leaders in the military have held us back time and time again. And now they are giving aid and training to our enemies in Libya.
I just don’t see how people are ignorant of this?
Yes, I was being facetious about giving him a break…
You managed to type out the following:
Meanwhile, you’ve a bunch of quotes here, without the one posted over at UN Dispatch…..
You mean like this quote:
Local clerics drove around the city with megaphones yesterday, calling residents to protest the actions of a small group of attention-seeking, bigoted Americans. Then, during today’s protest, someone announced that not just one, but hundreds of Korans had been burned in America. A throng of enraged men rushed the gates of the UN compound, determined to draw blood. Had the attackers been gunmen, they would likely have been killed before they could breach the compound.
Source: http://www.undispatch.com/this-attack-is-different
The clerics of a so called “peaceful religion” went around trying to incite people. They managed to do so by preying on their religious bigotry and hatred, with a good portion of lying included.
Got that?
The people in the UN compound died not because of the actions of some bonehead in Florida, but because clerics of the so called “religion of peace” roused a mob into a frenzy by lying.
You want to hold Jones responsible for the lies of the clerics as well? You want to hold others responsible for the actions of the people that attacked the compound?
Good luck with that one, pal.
We need to get out of AfPak now, the notion that these people can be enlightened is simply false, nice try no cigar.
The Religion/Culture that existed in this area which Islam destroyed starting about 1000 years ago would be considered a millennia ahead of the current culture in our time. Time can stand still, evolution can, indeed has been reversed.
We need to develop a new doctrine of “Obscenely Disproportionate Reaction” as our default response in the war on terror.
Isn’t it strange that we have not heard the peeling cries to get out of Afghanistan and Iraq (except from the PAUL family)??? Isn’t it strange that we have not heard the wailing and gnashing of teeth cause this current administration has not kept his promises to pull out our troops? All Silent on\about the Eastern Front…..