Well, obviously the answer to the question is “no,” since this Grist article by Clark Williams-Derry never even names him once
Great Scott, how did I miss this? Late last month, the EPA released a draft greenhouse gas inventory, showing that net climate warming emissions from the U.S. fell by a whopping 15 percent from 2000 through 2009 [PDF].
A 15 percent decline? Wow. Just wow.
But the story gets even more dramatic. Over the same period, the U.S. population grew by about 9 percent. Combining the two trends, net per capita greenhouse-gas emissions fell by 21 percent over the decade. And most of that reduction occurred prior to 2007 — when the economy hadn’t yet slumped, and before energy prices hit the roof.
In case it’s not clear, these reductions made a huge difference. If we’d kept going at 2000’s per capita levels, the nation would have released about 1.5 billion additional tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 2009. To give you a sense of the scale, 1.5 billion tons of CO2 is …
Who was the president during most of that time period? George W. Bush. And he did this without installing an economy killing cap and trade system. Bush must be a God to the Warmists for doing this, right?

WE all know that AGW is about wealth redistribution to the hardcore fanatics. The problem is the not so hard core liberal mindless hollywood types jump on the band wagon with the sincere desire to save the planet without bothering to even look into the reality of the movement.
It earns them favors…its keeps them working…it gets them praise…something they idolize…personal praise and affirmation by their peers…..
So in the end we have a planet full of DUPED people led once again by a relative handful that really and ultimately want to destroy the civilizations of the wealthy and give that money to the not so wealthy for two reasons.
1. They want to reorganize the west into socialist/communist/authoritarian states.
2. They want to curtail population because Europe itself has shown what frugal economic times does to the nation….Their birthrates have falled to 1.2 percent as opposed to the 4.5 percent in non western nations.
So the AGW movement is all about wealth redistribution and population control…because if these poor countries can just become civilized they will stop producing so many children…and that ultimately is what the militant AGW crowd is really after.
Its population control…not global warming…they just see AGW as a means to tax and use money to meet their ends.
WEll, it didn’t hurt those Carbon release amounts that our economy tanked in 2008 and hasn’t improved under this President. In fact, this one has made the economy worse on purpose.
[…] George W. Bush Reduced CO2 By 21%: Will Warmists Embrace Him Now? And he did this without installing an economy killing cap and trade system. Bush must be a God to the Warmists for doing this, right? […]
[…] Now, we are losing more and more young men and women in an unwinnable war. We are killing tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands according to some sources, of You may also find this relevant: http://www.thepiratescove.us/2011/04/03/george-w-bush-reduced-co2-by-21-will-warmists-embrace-him-no… […]
[…] George W. Bush Reduced CO2 By 21%: Will Warmists Embrace Him Now … […]