Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America, and a great day to get out and take a drive with the one you love. This pinup, called “Lucky Lotus,” is by Greg Hildebrandt, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- It looks like Richard Goldstone’s Gaza report was pure BS. Legal Insurrection has the details
- Obama’s Big Libyan Adventure is now killing the rebels. Head to The Other McCain for the 411
- Emperor Obama says all federal vehicles must become green. Except his own. Weasel Zippers has the story
- Basil announces his 2012 presidential candidacy
- Blogs For Victory explains just how transparent the Obama admin is
- Moonbattery has Obama’s 2012 re-election video
- Powerline wonders about life imitating art
- POWIP highlights yet another civil teacher
- Pundit and Pundette report on the food police in Philly
- Q&O wonders about a government shutdown
- Dan Riehl says not to underestimate radical Islam
- Sister Toldjah explains how to live on $10 billion a day
- Lee Stranahan smacks around the Huff Post a bit more
- The Jawa Report wonders what it would take for Obama to get behind action in the Ivory Coast
- And last, but not least, The Lonely Conservative covers some more of the New Tone from the Democrats
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out
- The Other McCain FMJRA 2.0 (last weeks. This weeks is up). And how about the new Snow White?. And Rule 5! (last weeks) And some beauty pageant trutherism*
- No Sheeples Here has therapeutic breast staring. Sorry about Duke, Carol!
- Weekend Link Love: Social Distortion Edition at All American Blogger.
- The Classical Liberal features Ditch The Planners With Emmy Rossum (last weeks. This weeks, Elizabeth Hurley On Doing Something About it is up). Plus Right Wing Links. And Rule 5 Freedom
- Camp Of Saints has a Rule 5 Saturday with Kate Winslet. Rule 5 News. And Linky Love. And Hump Day Rule 5!
- Daley Gator has Rule 5 Disaster. And Scandalous Rule 5! And the DaleyGator DaleyBabe
- Full Metal Jacket Reach Around: Spring Forward Edition at And So It Goes In Shreveport. (last weeks)
- American Power Rule 5 Britney Spears
- Theo Spark says Saturday Night is bath night. Also, The Sunday Best. Plus, some Sunday Tottie
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Morning Links.
- Proof Positive has Saturday Linkaround. And a Friday night babe! And Vintage Babe of the Week. Plus, a big surprise!
- Eye Of Polyphemus has Full Metal Jacket Reach Around 92. Plus Sofia Vergara. And Blogroll Spotlight! (last weeks: This weeks is up!)
- Say Anything has a Saturday linkaround
- Nice Deb has St. Thursday Link-around. Plus this weeks New Tone nominees
- Maggie’s Notebook has Rule 5 Saturday Night: Julianna Hough.
- The Busted Nut says “because it’s my blog, and I can.â€
- The Troglopundit has some VCU sweater puppies. And some Danica!
- Doug Ross has a great link roundup.*
- Mind Numbed Robot has Robo-Love Friday. And sweater puppies!
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies
- POWIP offers up Rule 5 Controversy!. And more controversy!.
- Barking Moonbat Early Warming System has old school eye candy
- Thatmrgguy’s Blog has a smokin’ beauty queen! And Friday Night Rule 5!
- Mean Ol’ Meanie the webynets and stuff
- Little Miss Attila has jilted Mitch Daniels
- American Perspective has Ashley Greene single again, with lots of linky love
- The POH Diaries has a Courtney Cox nip slip (NSFW). And Evan Rachel Wood is hot!
- Pundit Press has Rule 5 Sunday (last weeks)
- Nation Of Cowards has Rule 5: Keely Hazell Wishes You A Happy National Cleavage Day
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. (BTW, since someone asked, the reason I leave links for the previous week up is because they are place holders for later in the day or for next weeks. Easier than rewriting all the time)
BTW, with Smitty going to Afghanistan for a year, not sure if RS McCain will continue doing Rule 5 Sunday posts. He has his FMJRA (linked above), but????? The posts do take a long time, so, if you want to send me your links for Rule 5 babeage or links, use ye olde email (remove the NOSPAM part). Preferably, create the html link so I can copy and past how you want it to read.

[…] William Teach at Pirate’s Cove has his famous Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – The Luck Lotus, along with a great news round-up. Take the test: you might be a warmist if….if… […]
Admiral, thank you so much for the linky-love. I hope your readers will check back to learn who the winner winds up being in the Second Annual March Madness Sweater Puppy Contest.
Have a great weekend to all!
[…] The Pirates Cove’s Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup. […]
Hope it’s me who wins…he he he. Thanks for the link.
Very sleek lines! (And the car isn’t bad, either!)
[…] The Pirate’s Cove linked – thanks! […]
Another grand-slam – thank you, Admiral.
[…] William Teach at Pirate’s Cove has his famous Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – The Luck Lotus, along with a great news round-up. Take the test: you might be a warmist if….if… […]