I guess some teachers so the benefit of the climate change hoax. By benefit, I mean $$$
Climate change is a key cause of increased heat waves, flooding, droughts, intense tropical cyclones, rising sea levels, and loss of biodiversity. These hazards increase vulnerability to disasters and result in widespread human, material, economic, and environmental losses, including to education systems.
Boilerplate. Only thing they forgot was cold and snow.
Despite being threatened by climate change, the education sector offers an untapped opportunity to reduce disaster risk and combat climate change. There is a clear education agenda in adopting strategies to deal with global warming. Such strategies include learning new knowledge and skills, and changing behaviors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable consumption patterns in lifestyles, livelihoods, economies, and social structures.
So, indoctrination.
Global experience shows that investments in climate change education, including disaster risk reduction, can change human perceptions and patterns of behavior that reduce the risks and costs of disasters. For example, safe school sites can be selected through participatory risk assessments, ensuring schools are climate-proofed and multi-hazard resilient. Schools can implement school disaster management involving students, teachers and community members in practicing early warning, simulation drills, and evacuation for expected and recurring disasters. At an individual level, climate change teaching integrates not only disaster risk reduction and preparedness but also climate literacy, environmental stewardship, education for sustainable lifestyles and consumption, and green technical and vocational education.
And you know how they can do this? With more taxpayer money.

[…] Reading, Writing, ‘Rithmatic? Bah! Climate Education! […]