Which you’ll certainly have to turn around and pay to purchase: Carbon Zero: A Short Tour of Your City’s Future
… Is one of the most important books that hasn’t been written yet. And you, good TreeHugger reader, can help ensure that it does get written — and soon. Alex Steffen, the creator of the essential Worldchanging, is working a new project called Carbon Zero, and he’s seeking funding assistance on Kickstarter. Steffen explains:
The climate crisis demands that we start rebuilding our cities to become carbon neutral. But what does carbon neutrality mean? What does it look like? How do we measure it? My goal here is to explain carbon neutrality in a short, amusing book that can be read in an afternoon. It’s time to demystify bold climate action, fast. By being the first to show support, you’ll help make this book a reality by Earth Day this April. (You’ll also get cool stuff.)
So the book hasn’t been written yet, but, they’ll write it (wink wink) once you other alarmists chip. But, it really doesn’t matter, because the alarmists will simply read the book, then tell Everyone Else to follow the book, while they go about their high CO2 lifestyles. But, they’ll feel good that they read it and annoyed their friends, family, coworkers, people on the bus…

[…] Carbon Scam Goes Up A Notch: Pay To Get Guy To Write Alarmist Book … […]