Perhaps if Obama spent less time campaigning and more time leading and putting together a plan, he’d have a right to talk…..sorry, I forgot, that’s all Obama does. Talk. And tell others “get ‘er done. The links are calling”
At first, President Obama didn’t call the Republican budget plan “radical” during his town hall yesterday.
He called it “fairly radical.”
Obama later dropped the modifier in assessing the plan put forward by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., saying it favors the rich while cutting programs for the middle class and poor, particularly Medicare and Medicaid.
“Yes, I think it’s fair to say that their vision is radical,” Obama told a friendly crowd at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Cal.
Where’s your plan, Mr. pResident? We’ve seen some talking points, and…well, that’s it. Perhaps he is going to work on it today….nope, first he’s giving remarks at a DNC event in San Francisco this morning, then it’s off to Reno for a town hall that looks strangely like a campaign event, then off to Los Angeles for three DNC events.
“No, I don’t think it’s particularly courageous,” Obama added. “Because the last point I’ll make is this. Nothing is easier than solving a problem on the backs of people who are poor or people who are powerless or don’t have lobbyists or don’t have clout. I don’t think that’s particularly courageous.”
This while speaking at a company who has “stepped up” its lobbying. And then there are those poor people, who don’t actually pay their fair share. We’d like to see your “courageous” debt plan, Mr. pResident.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.