Why? Well, you want to be “green,” and save the planet from evil greenhouse gases, don’t you?
Apple has come bottom of the most comprehensive green league table of technology companies because of its heavy reliance on “dirty data” centres.
The list, which is compiled by Greenpeace and released in San Francisco on Thursday, shows that the company relies heavily on highly polluting coal power at the sites that house its banks of servers.
Time to trade in your iPad and Macbook, Warmists
The report estimated dependence on coal for Apple’s data centres at 54.5%, followed by Facebook at 53.2%, IBM at 51.6%, HP at 49.4%, and Twitter at 42.5%. Top marks in Greenpeace’s clean energy index went to Yahoo, followed by Google and Amazon. Greenpeace is also campaigning for Facebook to “unfriend coal” and use cleaner energy to power its servers.
Time to put your money where your mouths are, and not use the products and/or services from these companies, because they are apparently Evil.
Obviously, I have no expectation that any of the Warmists will give up their Apple items, nor stop using Facebook nor Twitter. Sacrificing is always for Someone Else, preferably at the barrel of government regulation.
And, just to be clear, as I have noted many times, I am not a big fan of coal, and I do not buy into that whole “clean coal” meme. Coal is dirty, and I’m not talking about CO2. Yet, I realize that we need to first have viable alternatives in place before we reduce our usage. I don’t want coal to be reduced and retired without the means to replace it.

[…] Uh Oh: Time To Give Up Your iPod, Facebook, And Twitter, Climate Alarmists! Time to put your money where your mouths are, and not use the products and/or services from these companies, because they are apparently Evil. […]