No, seriously. Your tax dollars at work
Come on and Click it, flip it, turn the handle to the right, turn off the water, twist the handle real tight. Slip on your sneakers, lace em up tight, leave the car parked you know that’s alright. Public transportation is the way to go, it’s one of the ways to keep emissions low, you can ride your bike, instead of the car, if we save on fuel then we’ll all go far.
I said Click it, flip it, turn the handle to the right, turn off the water, twist the handle real tight. Slip on your sneakers, lace em up tight, leave the car parked you know that’s alright. Public transportation is the way to go, it’s one of the ways to keep emissions low, you can ride your bike, instead of the car, if we save on fuel then we’ll all go far.
It continues below the more tag
Take a moment to find the Pepto to settle your stomach before continuing
You can pick up paper and recycle it too, and there are many other things that you can do. You can click off the game boy, flip off the light, while you’re brushing your teeth, turn the handle to the right. Close the fridge door – keep it shut tight, no food has been added since the middle of the night. A 5 minute shower is all that’s needed to keep energy from being depleted. A long sleeve sweater is what I know – will keep you toasty and the fuel bills low (WT-gotta love the notion that greenhouse gases make it cold). Plant a tree in your neighborhood, besides giving shade you know it looks real good.
I said Click it, flip it, turn the handle to the right, turn off the water, twist the handle real tight. Slip on your sneakers, lace em up tight, leave the car parked you know that’s alright. Public transportation is the way to go, it’s one of the ways to keep emissions low, you can ride your bike, instead of the car, if we save on fuel then we’ll all go far.
The USA is where we are to kick a new trend and to raise the bar. The climate is changing and that’s a fact, bears don’t know when to take a nap, On top of that it won’t be cool when the flood waters rise and mosquitoes rule. It’s time to get off the couch and start to move.
Come on and Click it, flip it, turn the handle to the right, turn off the water, twist the handle real tight. Slip on your sneakers, lace em up tight, leave the car parked you know that’s alright. Public transportation is the way to go, it’s one of the ways to keep emissions low, you can ride your bike, instead of the car, if we save on fuel then we’ll all go far.
Come on and Click it, flip it, turn the handle to the right.
You can even download the MP3 from the website.
There is so much idiocy in that “rap” I don’t even know where to begin, and this post would become HUGE. Suffice to say, as I’ve mentioned, this is one of things that drives me nuts about AGW: it incorporates real environmental issues under “climate change’s” unhinged banner.
Via Tom Nelson

There are many things wrong with this stuff. The fact that it was released and paid for is disturbing enough.
The fact that someone thought it was good enough to release is just terrifying.
I hope you didn’t listen to the song. I don’t think they’d let you sue the EPA for ear damage.
President Obama has at least 6 wars going on right now.
1. Iraq
2. Afghanistan
3. Libya
4. Fossil Fuels.
5. Class Warfare
6. Big Business
Geroge W. Bush Stared 2 of them…..Obama Escaled one of GWB’s wars and has started 4 more of his own.
He will not rest unitl the country is in shambles…….ALA Jimmy CARTER……
And the MAIN STREAM MEDIA……….shouted AMEN!!!!
[…] friend William Teach over at the Pirate’s Cove has noticed the Environmental Protection Agency using your tax dollars at work to produce a rap […]