Was taking a jaunt around some of the climate alarmist sites this a.m., and ran across one at Grist from the 12th that I cannot believe I missed back then, written by GINK (green inclinations, no kids) Lisa Hymas, Grist’s resident human hater
Buy green sex toys, help support Grist
You can’t get pregnant, or get anyone else pregnant, by playing with yourself — good to note in this year of 7 billion. That’s why Grist loves vibrators. We recommend you pick up a green one — or three.
If you like to combine your sex toys with potentially pregnancy-inducing activities, we recommend you pick up some eco-friendly condoms as well.
This month only, if you buy your green sex accessories from progressive, woman-friendly Babeland, 10 percent of the price will be donated to support Grist. You can shop online or visit their stores in Seattle or New York City.
So, run out and purchase you eco-friendly sex toys and condoms, Warmists. That way your idiotic notions will die out in a generation or two.
And, speaking of Grist, Jammie Wearing Fool mentioned that they have a way for you to confess your eco-sins. Mine was eating baby seal with shark fin dressing, served in the shell of an Asian Giant Soft Shelled Turtle on a plate made from elephant tusks. Obviously, I’d never do that, I do consider myself a real environmentalist/conservationist, but, I’m hoping that the folks at Grist saw my “eco-sin” and got the vapors.