If All You See…

…is an evil truck, you just might be a Warmist

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4 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. PatriotUSA says:

    I know I am long overdue for an eye exam but never can see the evil truck, oil, cooling towers etc…just a nice lookin’ hottie.

    She is so hot she is holding up the truck. oh that truck.

  2. Yup, it takes awhile, but, a truck is actually there.

    One day I’m going to post one with just a babe and let everyone look for the evil globull warming causing thing that isn’t in the picture :D

  3. […] William Teach at Pirate’s Cove has his famous Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – it’s wedding week, you’ll love this one, and there’s a great news round-up. And you just might be a warmist if all you see is… […]

  4. Kevin says:

    That bikini is causing global warming. Remove it at once!

Pirate's Cove