Just kidding. They plan to organize instead of agonize
Two weeks ago, over 10,000 students activists descended on Washington, D.C. to collaborate, train, motivate, and take action at Powershift 2011. They made enough of an impact that President Obama took notice and invited 12 student leaders for a conversation. Powershift happens once a year, but a new website just re-launched aims to keep up the momentum by providing a place for youth activists to come together to organize.
Let me ask: if the (ahem) science says that anthropogenic global warming is so bad, why do the majority of True Believers fail to drastically change their own lives and take serious measures to reduce, and eliminate, their own carbon footprints? It’s almost like this is some sort of …. political movement.
Energy Action Coalition Online Director Jeff Mann wrote in a blog post:
Our stories, and our work, can change the world. That’s why today, PowerShift2011.org is re-launching as WeArePowerShift.org — a new grassroots-driven online community for the organizers powering our movement. WeArePowerShift.org is your space to stay connected to the Power Shift movement – to continue telling your story, to collaborate, and to share the work you are doing with fellow organizers across the country.
Everyone who attended Power Shift 2011 already has an account. Login with the username and password you received when you registered*, and kick things off by sharing your thoughts, photos, and next steps from Power Shift 2011. If you need some help getting started or you have any questions, shoot us an email at contact@wearepowershift.org and we’re happy to help.
I’m missing the part where they pledge to stop using large amounts of fossil fuels to get to conferences like PowerShift. And evil coal to provide energy to run their website. They should make sure the servers are run strictly on solar and wind and hydrothermal…wind kills birds and water displaces fish? OK, solar….they’d have to clear cut a large swath of woodland? Oh, well.
Mann promises that the site will continue to add bells and whistles over the next few months, making the site an even greater tool. If you are interested in getting active, you can also go to ItsGettingHotInHere.org to hear more from today’s youth climate activists. As the 2012 election nears, you can be sure that both of these sites will be crackling with both solid information and inspiration for all climate activists
Oh, good, they’ll have information and inspiration. How about personal actions? And, yes, I will continue to ask that annoying question until you Warmists match your own actions to your talking points. You want me to stop? Show me you actually believe the science and change your own lives, instead of wanting to simply make everyone else change theirs, and slap on “carbon” taxes.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.