Double face palm. Globull warming is supposed to make weather even more extreme, more hot, cold, worse thunderstorms and hurricanes, drought rain, more or less hurricanes, bigger tornadoes, frogs falling from the sky, you name it. Everything will change but the wind (via Climate Skeptic)
Global Warming Will Not Significantly Affect Wind Energy Production
Rising global temperatures will not significantly affect wind energy production in the United States concludes a new study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Early Edition.
But warmer temperatures could make wind energy somewhat more plentiful say two Indiana University (IU) Bloomington scientists funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
They found warmer atmospheric temperatures will do little to reduce the amount of available wind or wind consistency–essentially wind speeds for each hour of the day–in major wind corridors that principally could be used to produce wind energy.
That’s from your National Science Foundation, an organization of the government, telling you that wind will basically stay the same.
Why does the wind blow? The most basic explanation is an imbalance between the atmosphere and the surface. Then it gets all sciencey, but, the climate change hoax isn’t about science, so, as Climate Skeptic points out
Even though global warming will supposedly shift wet and dry areas, it will not shift windy areas and so therefore we should all have a green light to continue to pour taxpayer money into possibly the single dumbest source of energy we could consider.
Could be on to something.

Rising global temperatures will not significantly affect wind energy…
But warmer temperatures could make wind energy somewhat more plentiful…
ummm… glad that is cleared up.
So, let me see if I understand this….. if the entire globe warms up, that will mean more air moving around? So, if all the air warms up by the same amount, then there will be more reason for air to move?
Oohhh ohhhh… yeah, the poles will warm faster than the equator because they are closer to the sun and get more direct solar irradiation……. ……. …..
ummmmm… glad that is cleared up.
[…] Globull Warming Will Make The Wind….Stay The Same? WTF? Why does the wind blow? The most basic explanation is an imbalance between the atmosphere and the surface. Then it gets all sciencey, but, the climate change hoax isn’t about science, so, as Climate Skeptic points out Even though global warming will supposedly shift wet and dry areas, it will not shift windy areas and so therefore we should all have a green light to continue to pour taxpayer money into possibly the single dumbest source of energy we could consider. […]