Perhaps if the flag had been upside down, Obama would have left it up. Via Michelle Malkin (yeah, I copied her screenshot), we found out from Jake Tapper, who Tweeted
He didn’t bother mentioning this on his website, though.
Doug Ross writes “WTF at WTC?” Fire Andrea Mitchell has “What an absolutely pitiful little manchild Obama is.”
Corrected: as Phineas points out in the comments, the story was wrong, Michelle Malkin runs a retraction, so, I will too. Unfortunately, it’s not hard to jump to conclusions with this president.

Michelle’s posted a correction: the flag was up during the ceremony.
Thanks for the heads up, Phineas. Corrected the post
Whether the flag was up or down, if you have an opinion about the decorations at a stage-managed photo op, you’re in the theater review business.
[…] Apparently, The US Flag Was Just Too Much Patriotism For Obama (Corrected) » Pirate's Cov… Author: All Media information site Time: Friday, May 6th, 2011 at 22:38 Category: Too Comments: You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. RSS: You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Navigation: « Inflight cell phone calls coming soon : Chris McGinnis : City Brights google_color_border = "373630"; google_color_bg = "373630"; google_color_link = "e8d7a9"; google_color_text = "cccccc"; google_color_url = "e8d7a9"; //–> […]
How heartbreaking it must have been for you to discover this story was fake.
There really isn’t much more to say than you suck. Ross sucks. Malkin sucks.
That about covers it, I think.
This is one of those revealing situations where it’s not about what you believe, but what you are eager to believe.
The first is simply human; the second is simply simple.
Bad link –> malkin. Just a head’s up.