Hey, remember the days when the Left, including major media outlets and Democrat figures, whined about “Bush Created Terrorists” for daring to fight after 9/11? When will the chant about “Obama Created Terrorists” start? Scores of Indonesian youths vow to avenge bin Laden’s death
Scores of Indonesian men rallied on Friday to publicly vow their readiness to sacrifice their lives to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden, in a sign of the al Qaeda leader’s popularity among hard-core Islamists in the most populous Muslim country.
The group, calling itself Al Kaida Solo, said it would focus attacks on the United States — but there was no indication that it had the capacity to do so, or whether it was just bluster.
Several police kept watch on the rally in the city of Solo in central Java, but no one was detained.
“One hundred youths from Solo are ready to die to take revenge on the death of Osama,” declared Choirul, a cleric in Al Kaida Solo and also a member of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) which has a history of violence including attacks on bars, nightclubs and the offices of Indonesia’s Playboy magazine.
Hmm, can we blame this all on Obama for giving the kill order against Osama?
FYI: I’m not criticizing Osama, he did the Right Thing. I’m criticizing all the little dhimmi’s on the Left who had their talking points, which have suddenly vanished, for the most part.

You know, when one uses the violent rhetoric, one can’t expect others to hold their emotions and to not express their never-before-present violent tendencies.
Oh… it wasn’t just rhetoric but a “kill order”?!? signed by Obama? hmmmm. Yep, must be Pres George Bush’s fault.
So, all of this current violence being blamed on taking vengeance for Bin Laden and the ongoing terror from the criminally terror-driven insane religious fanatics…. is Bush’s fault.
Hell, I just blame my dog Snuffy. Fits just as well.
LMAO!!! Bin Laden has been dead since 2001!!! But many of you will just believe ANYTHING they throw at you! Hey, to all you establishment butt kissers…I have a bridge to the moon I’d like to sell! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,41576,00.html – http://english.pravda.ru/world/asia/15-01-2008/103426-benazir_bhutto_osama-0/ – http://www.prisonplanet.com/top-us-government-insider-bin-laden-died-in-2001-911-a-false-flag.html – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OA_cNmNojQ&feature=player_embedded – http://www.prisonplanet.com/hoax-white-house-claims-4-year-old-bin-laden-tapes-are-new-footage.html – http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GsUtvOW6SR0 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I1IdQZmHCA&feature=related – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mztfFdpd1Rk&feature=youtu.be – http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/neighbor-house-where-osama-was-supposedly-killed-doesnt-believe-osama-ever-lived-there-or-wa – http://newworldliberty.com/newsarticle/hoax-white-house-claims-4-year-old-bin-laden-video-new-footage – http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/fakealqaeda.php – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnihfVw5MOc –
Snuffy’s probably like “what’s it to ya? Now get my food then we’ll go for walksies”
[…] Peaceful Indonesian Muslims Plan To Avenge Bin Laden […]