Just one more nail in the coffin for the Warmist Moonbats
U.S. meteorologists say the deadly storms tearing up the South are not a result of climate change. None the less, the extreme weather has rekindled the global warming debate in Washington, D.C.
But a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of American Adults think the recent severe weather is primarily caused by long-term planetary trends. Only 19% blame the extreme weather on human activity which many climate change activists view as the cause of global warming. Twelve percent (12%) say there’s some other cause for the bad weather, and 19% more are not sure.
So, are the 19% who believe the severe weather, which apparently never happened before many learned to drive, is caused by Mankind changing their own lives, or just agitating for others to change theirs?
(h/t Weasel Zippers)
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It is their disbelief that is causing the natural destruction.
[…] Sorry, Alarmists, People Aren’t Buying Your Globull Warming Extreme Weather Meme […]