Let’s suppose, for a change, that President Bush had done this: most of the MSM would be all over the issue, calling Bush a fascist and accusing him of destroying the Constitution
The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news “fairly.â€
“I tend to consider the degree to which papers have demonstrated to covering the White House regularly and fairly in determining local pool reporters,†White House spokesman Matt Lehrich wrote in response to a Herald request for full access to the presidential visit.
The Herald’s Joe Battenfield asks “what are you afraid of, Mr. President?”
The Boston Herald is one of the major papers for Boston, yet, Obama refuses to give them direct access. It’s not the first time the Obama White House has pulled these kinds of stunts. Obviously, he thinks more along the lines of Hugo Chavez than..well, any American President. Even Jimmy Carter wasn’t this stupid.
Others: Michelle Malkin, Hot Air, The Daily Caller, JammieWearingFool, Israel Matzav, Poynter and Left Coast Rebel

The Daily Caller has an article on the White House asking a California paper to remove a comment in an article about Michelle Obama.
When they feel brave enough to be brazen about their Tyranny and Socialism and their defilement of the Constitution, then it is high-time we rise up and show them where the real power stands.
[…] President Thin Skin Blocks Boston Herald Reporter The Herald’s Joe Battenfield asks “what are you afraid of, Mr. President?†[…]
Well, seeing that you have McCain Palin bumper stickers on your site and one of your tags supports Michelle Malkin you’ll pardon me for taking your opinion on the matter with a truck load of salt.
And FYI, Bush DID do this kind of thing…all the time, and it WAS frequently ignored by the media. Enjoy your persecution complex.
Thanks to the Liberal’s (R and D) destruction of our economy, I’ll take that truckload of salt. Thank you very much. I could live a couple of years on it nowadays from its sale.
And FYI, Bush DID do this kind of thing…all the time, and it WAS frequently ignored by the media.
Isn’t it funny that the Herald story says that no one in the pool reporters can ever remember this happening even back to the Nixon era and yet here you are saying “it happened all the time” under Bush?
I wonder whose memory is better…… yours or the people that actually were there?
I am betting on the people that were there, but your choice may be different.