Can anyone guess who Grist loves? Same Republican who many 9/11 Truthers love: Ron Paul
From legalizing raw milk shipments to lifting the ban on hemp farming, congressman Ron Paul has championed some green-related causes, often from a libertarian angle. But it’s not all about not banning stuff. Ron Paul’s blog is also speaking out about the dangers of GMO trees, highlighting a campaign by the Global Justice Ecology Project, Dogwood Alliance and Sierra Club to sue the US Department of Agriculture over their approval of a series of field trials involving more than a quarter of a million GE cold tolerant eucalyptus trees.
Any Republican who is supporting anything with the leftist phrase “global justice” should just stop now. Seriously. Go away, Ron.
On July 1, 2010, three member organizations of the STOP GE Trees Campaign (Global Justice Ecology Project, Dogwood Alliance and Sierra Club) teamed up with attorneys at the Center for Biological Diversity and the Center for Food Safety to sue the US Department of Agriculture over their approval of a series of field trials involving more than a quarter of a million GE cold tolerant eucalyptus trees because the Environmental Assessment the USDA used to approve the field trials was inadequate. The lawsuit demands that the USDA prepare a full Environmental Impact Statement regarding the field trials because of their potential impacts on forests, ground water, wildlife and endangered or threatened species.
The groups that filed the suit charge that GE trees carry serious social and ecological risks; and that these risks were either downplayed or outright ignored in the USDA’s Environmental Assessment.
That excerpt is from Ron’s blog post. Say, I wonder what the deal is with these trees
Eucalyptus has been found to be a promising option as a biomass feedstock for the production of liquid fuel, as researchers from the US Department of Energy’s (DoE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have identified a tree that releases more than twice the usual amount of sugar.
So, they are being used to create an alternative to evil evil fossil fuels? And Grist and Ron Paul are against them? Wouldn’t this be that great “green energy” they all yammer about? A way to do away with oil? And they hate the idea of the gen mod trees? Are there any “green” energy solutions alarmists/enviroweenies actually will allow?

Ron Paul is a greater freak than Ralph Nader.
GE trees carry serious social..risks.
O.M.G!!! Someone please tell me how a tree can carry a SOCIAL risk? Do they carry some form of Venereal Disease? Are they rampaging across the cities killing innocent people? Do they rape and pillage innocent woman and the elderly?
So, again, we see massive funding to grow trees in order to not use them for their intended purpose in an attempt to create “alternative fuels”.
And, maybe someone can explain this too me.. but isn’t sugar bad for your fuel system? Why create a fuel that is high in sugar?
Wouldn’t it be better to burn the trees like we are already doing for electrical and heat generation? Do things the cheap way.
Oh… right. We’re talking about gubment.
Ron Paul lives in his own little unusual world.