Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) said he doesn’t view himself as a “Washington figure,” positioning himself as an anti-D.C. candidate in his campaign for president.
Gingrich railed against the Washington establishment in a breakfast Monday hosted by the Christian Science Monitor, claiming the mantle of the “change” candidate in the field of GOP presidential aspirants.
“I’m not a Washington figure, despite the years I’ve been here,” Gingrich said. “I’m essentially an American whose ties are across the country and is interested in how you change Washington, not how you make Washington happy.”
Um, yeah. Sure. Whatever, Sparky.
Michelle Malkin’s having a tough time writing on this story. Laughing too hard.
I usually like to take Doug Mataconis to task for constantly attacking Republicans, yet rarely doing the same against Democrats, but, he is dead on regarding Newt saying to ignore his record except when he wants to cite his record.

[…] Good News! Newt's Not A Washington Insider » Pirate's Cove […]
Newt has lost all credibility. He then comes out to say that he didn’t say what he has been recorded in video to have said, and it didn’t mean what he said he said back 30 years ago when he said it. I’ve never known a “change man”, an “outsider”, a “man of the people”, to shop and have a half-million account at Tiffany’s.
Granted, he can spend his money how he wishes… but to claim he knows how to save money?