Monthly Archives: May 2011

New Warmist/Enviroweenie Word: Anthropocene

Some Friday silliness Humanity’s profound impact on this planet is hard to deny, but is it big enough to merit its own geological epoch? This is the question facing geoscientists gathered in London this week to debate the validity and definition of the ‘Anthropocene’, a proposed new epoch characterized by human effects on the geological […]

If All You See…

…is a lovely Gaia friendly bicycle, you might just be a Warmist

Do The Climate Change (Hoax) Rap

It has come to this Fed up with reporters pretending to be scientists, scientists are now pretending to be rappers. Or rather, scientists are attempting to communicate their message on a level that average, rap-loving people will understand. The question is — should everyone just stick to their job, or is it time for a […]

Mitch Daniels: Time To Move On?

One can usually rely on The Politico being good little lefties and finding ways to slam Republican candidates, but, they actually make a good point with this story: Mitch Daniels, the reluctant candidate It’s becoming a recurring pattern: the more supporters of Mitch Daniels attempt to pump him up, the less he appears to want […]

RoP Watch: Irish Muslim Arrested Over Obama Threat, Taliban Retaliates For Osama Death

Interesting that MSNBC actually uses the “M” word when it is NMP Obama being threatened. They were probably hoping this guy donated to the TEA Party or something An Irish Muslim convert was arrested in Dublin Thursday over his reported death threats against President Barack Obama, police said. Khalid Kelly, a 44-year-old dubbed “Taliban Terry” […]

Mr. Obama’s Intolerant History

I never thought I would see this in the NY Times Barack Obama, the former community organizer and part time US Senator, has money, no experience and name recognition. His introductory video is all serenity and hope, a deceptively calm way for many voters to meet a splenetic politician with a long history of slashing […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled monstrosity, you might just be a Warmist

Two Terrorists Of Unknown Religion Busted In NYC Plot

Obviously, they must be those whitebread right wing terrorists Janet Napolitano was worried about Two men who the authorities said intended to carry out a terrorist attack in New York City were arrested late Wednesday, two law enforcement officials said. Details were not immediately available, and the identities of the men were not released. A […]

Why, No, Globull Warming Didn’t Cause The Tornado Outbreak

Unless we are using the unhinged model that Mankind releasing greenhouse gases, which warm up the atmosphere, make it cold: Global warming did not cause April’s record tornadic outbreak Scientists once again are blaming GLOBAL WARMING for this spring’s record outbreak of tornadoes. As my friend, correspondent Cecil Hathaway says: “Apparently, global warming is responsible […]

Al Qaeda In Yemen Makes Threats

So, as El Jefe plans on giving yet another speech to the Muslim world (after whacking Osama, launching a war of choice in Libya, ignoring most of the Arab uprisings…you know the ledger), Al Qaeda has a message A leader of the al Qaeda offshoot that U.S. officials have called the greatest threat to the […]

Pirate's Cove