Monthly Archives: May 2011

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled car being washed through the waste of Mother Earth’s water, you might be a Warmist

World Can’t Wait: Stop Thinking Like Americans!

Do you remember The World Can’t Wait, an unhinged group of Bush haters (one of whom was completely pwnd by both Bill O’Reilly and Laura Ingraham)? They never were able to drive Bush from office, but, they’ve now sorta added Obama to their hate list, and we get this screed Recently the message “stop thinking […]

Wait, The Army Has An Environmentally Friendly Projectile?

An interesting editorial from the Washington Times The U.S. military’s success in Pakistan this week proved the importance of maintaining a team focused on accomplishing dangerous missions. Others on the left prefer to look upon the armed forces as a playground to experiment with fringe ideas. Take the Air Force Academy which reportedly held a […]

Obama’s Weekly Address: “Hey, Why Not Take A Hybrid Bus!”

After doing something pretty darned good in authorizing the take down of Bin Laden, he’s right back to his idea of clean green super duper expensive alternative energy while telling us we can’t drill our way out of high gas prices. Then he jumps in his huge fossil fueled vehicle and drives to the golf […]

Union Nurses Go On 5 Day Strike…From Children’s Hospital

But, remember, unions are somehow all about the kids Registered nurses at Children’s Hospital Oakland walked off their jobs Thursday morning in the first day of a five-day strike that centers on disputes over health care benefits and other proposed changes to their contract. The more than 700 registered nurses at Children’s, represented by California […]

If All You See…

…is an evil gas pump, polluting the atmosphere with evil CO2, you might be a Warmist

Apparently, The US Flag Was Just Too Much Patriotism For Obama (Corrected)

Perhaps if the flag had been upside down, Obama would have left it up. Via Michelle Malkin (yeah, I copied her screenshot), we found out from Jake Tapper, who Tweeted He didn’t bother mentioning this on his website, though. Doug Ross writes “WTF at WTC?” Fire Andrea Mitchell has “What an absolutely pitiful little manchild […]

Breaking: Al Qaeda Acknowledges That Osama Is Having Fun With 72 Male Virgins

Just coming across the wires now, Al Qaeda is proclaiming on their terrorist websites that, in fact, Osama Bin Laden took a bullet to his head, blowing his murderous brains out. Al Qaeda have confirmed Osama Bin Laden’s death in a statement posted on jihadist internet forums. The U.S. monitoring group SITE Intelligence reported the […]

House GOP Pass Offshore Drilling Legislation

Obviously, this is some sort of massive handout to Big Oil or something, rather than a measure to drill for our own oil off our own shores, ensuring our supply is readily available and prices go down As gas prices nationally approach $4 a gallon, the House passed Thursday a measure that would require the […]

President Nobel Peace Prize Launches Drone Strike In Yemen

Remember when the Left would go ballistic over a “cowboy president launching military strikes which violate the sovereignty of other nations”? How there would be apoplectic opinion pieces in the MSM? What ever happened to those days. Now it’s reported as “eh. Something happened” The U.S. military used a drone to strike Thursday at an […]

Pirate's Cove