Funny stuff from Newsbusters, who watch MSNBC so the rest of us don’t have to
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir on May 31 insisted that Sarah Palin’s bus tour amounts to a “breach of a federal law.”
Anchoring his eponymous program, Bashir scolded, “In fact, the whole thing could be in breach of a federal law because the United States Flag Code establishes important rules for the use and display of the stars and stripes, the flag of the United States.”
As Newsbuster’s Alex Fitzsimmons points out
The only problem: the Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that flag burning is protected by the First Amendment. If flag burning is protected speech, certainly displaying the flag on a tour bus is legal. Or do the rules not apply to Sarah Palin? In Bashir’s warped sense of reality, conservatives like Palin would be arrested for flying the American flag at rallies in which they promote causes that Bashir does not support.
Where was Bashir when Liberals were flying the flag upside down, both in real life and on the Web? Where was Bashir when Liberals were desecrating the flag during the Bush years? Really, this is nothing more than typical PDS, Palin Derangement Syndrome. For such a silly, anti-intellectual woman with no shot at the presidency, Palin sure gets liberals dancing a silly tune.
Here’s the full unhinged rant
Hey, it’s MSNBC. The more insane the better their ratings…..oh, wait. Fox doubles up MSNBC. Though, admittedly, the wackier the MSNBC host, the better their ratings. Liberals apparently want a bit of bat guano crazy with their opinion.

I think the real problem for Bashir is that he hates woman with power. Especially Conservative woman in power. Seriously you have to be pretty hard up to make this logical leap. Once you’ve got it on paper, reread it before going on air, and you still don’t see how absolutely face palm stupid this argument is……
Is there really any hope for this pin head.
That’s just the way MSNBC “Leans Forward, CJ. And liberals live in their own little world.