Did you catch Fox News earlier today (come on, Libs, you know you watch, just to seethe) when Jason Lewis and Nancy Skinner (apparently, some sort of Lib talk radio host, surely subsidized) were on with Martha McCallum? Bizarro World (video via Hot Air Pundit)
I know I was sitting there going “wait, what’d she just say? Is she the alternate universe Skinner?” And then I slapped myself upside the head, realizing that this is exactly the way Liberals act.

Clearly an Inigo Montoya moment.
“I dunna tink that means what you tink it means.”
Why did you make me watch that?
Sadly, Nancy probably thinks she did well, GC.
Have to share the pain, Kevin!
The woman is on some drug.
I don’t think it’s a drug problem. Liberalism is progressive mental disorder.
Ultimately it leads to Manic Progressive Syndrome. In short she’s cracking.
right adobe… she’s mentally unstable obviously. And she’s a radio talker? She can’t make a clear sentence at all.
She’s saying people are better off??? Than 4 years ago? Seriously? 4 years ago was before the depression hit. Unemployment is twice what it was then. Thousands of banks are closed now. Millions of homes foreclosed. Businesses out of work or severely reduced in manpower. Cash is worthless. Stocks are worthless. Cost of living is up hugely. Price of combo-meals are up $2. Gas is up by $2. All grocery prices are skyrocketing!
How is that better?!?! And yet, liberals love it this way. They love a ruined economy and a ruined American dream. They love a destroyed America. That is why NMP’s approval rating is still above single digits.
Actually as usual the Bolsheviks are falling for their own mythology. They have convinced themselves killing Osama was the gutsiest call ever, and that gutsy calls in all cases restore teh juans magic mojo. Now I have to admit the new tactic of insulting the voters intelligence is gutsy, stupid but gutsy.