Once again, the British media does the work that the American MSM refuses to do
Sarah Palin emails: Enemies sent a series of death threats
The release of 24,000 pages of Sarah Palin’s emails shows that she received a barrage of abusive emails including death threats in the run up to the 2008 presidential race.
One message sent by someone in Juneau, Alaska on Sept 17, 2008 said the governor should be “shot from one of the planes that shoot the very wolves that you ordered.”
Five days earlier an email landed in her in-box saying she “must be killed.”
It said: “She doesn’t belong to the NRA to support the right of each citizen to have weapons in an aim of self-defence, but just to support the right of every southern white citizen to shoot all non-white people legally! Sarah Palin MUST BE KILLED!”
Another emailed death threat in the same month, while Mrs Palin was on the campaign trail as John McCain’s vice-presidential running mate, came from Antwerp, Belgium.
It said Mrs Palin should be shot and that “only on that moment justice will be accomplished.”
So, basically, what we learned from the whole email affair that Palin was a hard working governor, a thoughtful mother, and that the political Left was already unhinged over her serving.
But, just because I know you’re wondering
News outlets including CNN and the Anchorage Daily News asked for Palin’s emails to be released in 2008, after Palin became the surprise running-mate of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.
At the time officials said they could not be released because of the antiquated electronic databases they were stored on, complicated by the fact that Palin commonly used a Yahoo account to conduct state business.
So, CNN wanted those emails, but, didn’t push for any of Obama’s records? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!

Well, as far as the 24,000 emails from Palin’s account, let’s compare them to the emails that NY is going to release, from Weiners email account. Oh wait- he’s a liberal- they’ll never subject him to the same scrutiny.
Unless of course he’s one of the hate emails that Sarah received. Nope, still won’t do it.
Oh well, since the emails have not turned up any dirt on her, think the left will stop having PDS??? Doubtful, they can’t exist without hate. It will take another good and or attractive conservative to pull their (small stunted brains) attention off of her.
I’d love to see a Palin or Bacmann with Herman Cain ticket, just to see the left pull their misogynist and racist schtick
You know what I heard. And I am highly mad about it. And, it just shows how extreme she is. And for that matter, I am happy that these emails were released to prove just how ineligible she truly is to hold any public office.
It was proven that she actually wanted to be Vice President!!!!!!!!
I know. right?! I’m shocked and victimized too.
Well, that’s just evil; how dare she!
You know what would have been fun? If it was like the old days, where it could have been Obama as (not my) president with Palin as VP. She would be beating him from the inside
I’d love to see a Palin or Bacmann with Herman Cain ticket, just to see the left pull their misogynist and racist schtick
I would prefer Bachmann over Palin with Cain as the presidential nominee. The reason for that is that I don’t think Palin is electable to anything right now. She is great for mobilizing the base, but is divisive when looking at independents and left leaning voters.
Bachmann would be great as a Veep because of her experience (limited as it is) with the Congress and that is what the vice president does. She can then “learn” the executive side from Cain who has more experience leading a company and working with the executive branch.
What I don’t understand is the blowback from conservatives on Cain.
He had that second amendment gaffe the other day that people are trying to make hay from, but I understood what he meant. He just said it badly.
You are absolutely right that a Cain / Bachmann ticket would have liberal heads exploding across the country. It would be so much fun to watch.
And the good thing is that we would end up with two decent, intelligent people with the right values in leading the executive branch.
Happy Happy! Joy Joy!
What I don’t understand is the blowback from conservatives on Cain.
I agree. We seem to eat our own pretty badly. Notice how some “repubs” (cough, cough) are attacking Ryan over his budget plan. It may not be the grandest plan that conservatives could come up with, but it is hell better than any plan (NO PLAN!!) that the libs could even dream of.
you’re welcome!!!
Well, remember how Reagan was vilified during his 76, 80 & 84 campaigns? Who says Palin can’t be elected.
Hey William hope your having a great day. What happened over at Rightwing. It looks like all of the authors posts disappeared.
Not that I don’t like coming to your site and getting informed, but I miss the regulars over there, StanW, Vega, CT ect. ect,
Hey, GF, hope your day is going well. Probably has something to do with a planned server change. I know things were looking weird on laptop, iPhone and Tablet off and on, almost no comments at RWN.
And yeah, Reagan was treated that way. Heck, almost every conservative is
Thanks William!
Well, remember how Reagan was vilified during his 76, 80 & 84 campaigns? Who says Palin can’t be elected.
She can’t be elected because of the negatives.
Reagan was unknown and vilified. People had not made up their mind about him. He was able to swing the middle ground to him and that was the election.
Palin can’t do that. Or at least she has not been able to do so at this time. The independent voters that she would need have already made up their mind about her and it is not a good impression.
She is unelectable.
Sorry Gitcarver, I don’t agree with you on this particular point.
However I will say it’s good to see you online again. I remember you from Rightwing and always enjoyed your posts.
Glad to say it’s good to see you again.
Palin can’t do that. Or at least she has not been able to do so at this time.
I agree. Unfortunately. Even many conservative women are against her…. mainly because of her looks and her being outspoken.
They are scared of her.
If she can’t win the base, then she can’t win.
I would love to see her on a ticket, but I know that she is only meant to be a banner waver. I’d like to see her as Secty of State.
Sorry Gitcarver, I don’t agree with you on this particular point.
The problem is her negatives, gf. She has something like a -57 negative rating. That is the difference between the percentage of people who say they view her in a positive light minus the percentage of people that view her in a negative light.
I can’t see anything that she can do to make that up. If she were to run for president, it would be a landslide for Obama.
However I will say it’s good to see you online again. I remember you from Rightwing and always enjoyed your posts.
Thank you. I like Teach’s site better than RWN, although RWN is a fine site. To me it is like choosing between a t-bone steak and a sirloin steak. I choose the steak I like better. The webmaster here is a good guy who constantly works hard, putting in hours and hours of research into his “You Might be a Warmist” series. One has to admire his dedication.
And in case you want to read more of my writings, you can click the link under my name and visit my little world of blogging. However, and I mean this sincerely, if clicking over to my site would mean the end of you visiting here, please don’t visit my site. Teach was kind enough to give some advice on the site, some encouragement, and throws a link my way on Sundays. I don’t want to compete with him for viewers but would rather just stay with the readership I have rather than take viewer from here. (And yes, I know that sounds like BS, but it isn’t.)
Good to see you too!
I agree. Unfortunately. Even many conservative women are against her…. mainly because of her looks and her being outspoken.
I like Palin but I have become a little weary of her platitudes as opposed to more detailed solutions. If she wants to enter the race, she should. But for right now, her playing coy, and taking shots without much substance is starting to grate on my nerves.
Lead, follow or get out of the bus.
heh heh heh
I checked out your site, I really liked it.
I really liked the name of it as well…
As a child growing up in a very poor rural farming community in Texas, I ate my share of Hoecakes and they were really delicious.
Unfortunately I never learned to cook that well and now my Mom and Nanny have passed on and I don’t have the recipe that they used. As far as I know they had never written it down. I’m going to have to check out the recipes that you have linked to.
As a side note my husband say’s that I make reservations and do microwave very well!!!
Thanks for the compliment on the site. A lot of friends have made suggestions for it. I had the thing running on a local server for a long time to make sure that I wanted to actually commit to it before taking it “to the wild.” Teach was kind enough to allow me to link to him and to give a link back. He has also made a few suggestions for plugins and things like that.
It is a little bit quirky of a site, but then again, the site reflects who I am. I know that I break the rule of writing about a singular topic such as sport, politics, religion, etc, but I can’t do that. There are days when you look around and think….. dang…… there is nothing that I want to write about. So I write what I want. It is just for me and if people come along for the ride, that is great. I just don’t want to compete with other blogs. As a friend told me, it is a big world out there and the more we can do to raise the volume of a conservative message, the better off we are.
If you like the blog, tell your friends. Make sure they visit here as well. I like to think that I exchange links with only the best of blogs and sites, and Pirate’s Cove fits that bill. And besides, Teach covers things that I stay away from and vice versa. You will be a much better and more rounded conservative by reading both sites.
As for the hoecakes, they really are easy to make and easy to experiment with. That is part of the genius of them. In fact, I was watching “Iron Chef America” the other night and the “battle” was between Oprah Winfrey’s chef and Bobby Flay.
Winfrey’s chef made an upscale, really tasty looking cheese hoecake. With bacon on the dish.
Just writing about it makes my mouth water.
Take care and keep working on that microwave!