Because we need to have at least one candidate who represents the TEA Party and conservatives. Well, we have one already in Herman Cain, but, he won’t drive liberals crazy like Michelle Bachmann, who pretty much announced during the New Hampshire debates
Excellent! If Sarah Palin isn’t going to jump in, who better than Bachmann? Even Dana Milbank had to admit that she stole the show. And the Washington Post, in picking winners and losers, says of the winners
Michele Bachmann: For viewers who had never heard of the Minnesota Congresswoman before tonight, she put on quite a show. For the first 45 minutes of the debate, Bachmann dominated the stage with quotable lines galore and an audience hanging on her every word. She faded somewhat in the middle of the debate — particularly with her confusing answer on whether she supports a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage — but rallied in the closing moments. What Bachmann proved tonight? She’s ready for primetime.
Though, I would temper that slightly with
This or that: Yes, the idea of forcing candidate to choose between Pepsi and Coke or Johnny Cash and Elvis was a little gimmicky but it’s often those allegedly silly questions where who these people really are is revealed. Count us as a fan.
That was supposedly a winner. Wisely, the WP didn’t name Ron Paul a loser: they knew they would be inundated with comments from the Paulbots.
On the 5 things we learned, according to CNN, two were about Bachmann.
She served Tea Partyers all their favorites: “I want to announce tonight President Obama is a one-term president. . . . I will not rest until I repeal Obamacare. . . . There is no other agency like the EPA. It should really be renamed the job-killing organization of America. . . . I fought behind closed doors against my own party on TARP.â€
Amongst a rather bland lineup, Bachmann was a breath of fresh air.

“This or that: Yes, the idea of forcing candidate to choose between Pepsi and Coke or Johnny Cash and Elvis was a little gimmicky but it’s often those allegedly silly questions where who these people really are is revealed. Count us as a fan.”
This kind of crap infuriates me. 5 wars, $14 trillion deficit, raiding the public pension to avoid the debt ceiling, economy in shambles, foreign policy disaster, Socialism on the march, unguarded Southern border descending into chaos, nuclear disaster being ignored, and this is the kind of fluff nonsense our candidates have to sit through.
I was kind of glad I only tuned in during the commercials watching the NHL finals.
I was kind of glad I only tuned in during the commercials watching the NHL finals.
A friend of mine “live blogged” the debate. I feel sorry for him in some way.
Like you, I watched the NHL Finals and enjoyed that immensely. Tim Thomas has been out of his mind great in this series. It is hockey at its best.
And besides, I can read the transcript of the debate later. ;)
I just finished watching the debate over at Breitbart.
Michelle knocked it out of the park!
Unfortunately my husband took an instant dislike to Michelle Bachman. He got a little annoyed that she kept bring up the fact that she had 23 foster children over the years.
I guess if Michelle looks like she’s going to have a chance, I’m going to have to work on changing his attitude towards her.
I liked a lot of what Herman Cain had to say as well.
Romney sure as heck was trying to rehabilitate himself. I don’t know if he pulled it off or not, my husband seemed to be impressed with him. I think his liberal family is working on him behind my back!