Oh, wait, sorry, my bad. The Fish Wrap does everything possible to avoid mentioning that Obama has played 72 times, 14 this year, and 11 weekends in a row, but, they do say For Many Politicians, Golfing Is Off Course
Less than 20 miles from the Capitol’s steps, through the buttoned-down section of the city and down a tree-lined parkway, sits a country club founded 87 years ago to give politicians and businessmen a place to loosen up and schmooze.
Said club, the Congressional, is hosting the US Open this week
“Most members of Congress won’t tell you, ‘I’m going to the U.S. Open at Congressional this week,’ simply because these days they would just as soon not be associated with the game of golf,†said the longtime Washington lobbyist Dan Tate Sr., who is one of the area’s top golfers, according to a recent ranking of power brokers by Golf Digest. “Most of them are going to say they are not going, or they are not going to acknowledge that they are going. There’s something wrong there, and it’s a shame, but they have to be aware of appearances.â€
I wonder why
And now with two wars, a tight economy and a high national unemployment rate, the prevailing belief is that constituents do not want to see their representatives having fun at the golf course.
So, now they are going to discuss Obama right? Well, of course the answer is…….no. So far, I haven’t heard anyone complain about their Representatives of Senators playing golf. They do complain about Obama playing golf. Taking vacations. Holding and going to parties. Flying around the world. Stuffing his face with chili dogs. Which, let’s face it, is simply a way to attempt to make Obama look bad to the uniformed voters. Because, really, it would probably have been best for this country, and be best going forward to January 20, 2012, if Obama spent most of his time doing anything but pretending to Do President.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Obamacare is not socialist on its face. But dig deep and the intended consequences of what its intended to do is stunning.
It was written in such a way so as to force the states into asking the government for help in paying for the massive new Medicaid responsibilities that this bill encompasses.
Additionally this bill is intended to force Insurance companies out of business. Oh not the big ones. The big ones will be fine. But the big ones will then do exactly what they are doing now. Raising premiums to pay for having to cover 26 year olds as well as everyone who is sick.
They cannot do that without raising premiums. Then with regulations written the government can step in and force them to lower premiums to a point where its not profitable. They will need subsidies from the government in order to survive. The government will gladly oblige thus dictating prices and charges.
IN the end these corporations will not be able to compete in the market place and so the government will simply begin providing insurance for Americans. At a cost of 2-3 trillion dollars per year.
Doubling everyones taxes will double our income from 2.5 trillion to 5 trillion……..just enough to take care of the medical costs but raising price of everything else thru the roof.
Obama care is not socialist. Its very design is to destroy major corporations and replace them with AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENT welfare….AKA FASCISM.
I have to laugh when the left claims the right are authoritarians.
Let me quote myself from above:
They cannot do that without raising premiums. Then with regulations written the government can step in and force them to lower premiums to a point where its not profitable.
A Press releasse from the HHS:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced new steps to reduce premiums and make it easier for Americans to enroll in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan. Premiums for the Federally-administered Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) will drop as much as 40 percent in 18 States, and eligibility standards will be eased in 23 States and the District of Columbia to ensure more Americans with pre-existing conditions have access to affordable health insurance. The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan was created under the Affordable Care Act and serves as a bridge to 2014 when insurers will no longer be allowed to deny coverage to people with any pre-existing condition, like cancer, diabetes, and asthma.
The entire health care bill was written in such a way as to force insurance companies out of business and take on the role of health provider by the Federal government.
Thus Universal health care for all. A Nobel idea that will force upon all Americans huge premiums and price increases because the anti-business progressives will tax the crap out of big business and corporations to the point that they will begin moving overseas, curb hiring and those that choose to remain will raise their prices exorbitantly in order to continue to make profits.
This is why Obamacare must be repealed. Its premise is nobel. The reality however is a looming disaster.
HealthCare has seemed to fall to the back burner with the upcoming 2012 election and the fact that the GOP seems more interested in defining who is a RINO rather then defeating Progressivism that I just had to point these facts out today.
And that is my lengthy Word of the Day.
[…] forward to January 20, 2012, if Obama spent most of … … Read the original here: NY Times Finally Discusses Obama's Golf Image And How Bad It Looks … ← OBAMA at the HELM: A New Begining or Over-Bloated Optimism Can Obama Save the Economy? […]
[…] NY Times Finally Discusses Obama’s Golf Image And How Bad It Looks […]