If the Sun does go into a state similar to what caused the Maunder Minimum during the Little Ice Age, the Warmists have found their groove in a way to keep pushing their failed pseudo religion. Here’s Joe Romm’s version, which starts off with a bit of Fox News Derangement syndrome
The anti-science disinformers are ecstatic over an analysis that says by 2020, we might be entering a long period of anomalously low solar activity. The headline at Fox Nation is:
Global Warming Be Damned, We Might Be Headed For A Mini Ice Age
No. Not even close, actually.
Yes, there is a credible prediction based on independent studies that we could possibly be entering a so-called “grand minimum” in solar activity. And yes, the last one on record, the “Maunder Minimum,” which occurred between 1645 and 1715, coincided with the so-called Little Ice Age.
But the Little Ice Age wasn’t just driven by a drop in solar forcing — it was also driven by a burst of volcanic activity. And now we have human-caused greenhouse gases that have overwhelmed the much, much smaller solar forcing.
See? Al Gore flying private jets, being chauffeured in SUV limos, and purchasing McMansions on the California coastline is much worse than the ball of fire in the sky, which has just a tiny affect on the Earth.
Of course, this forgets that the Little Ice Age lasted from the 13th century till about 1850. But, you’re all just anti-science disinformers (Joe sure has his progressive talking points down now that his Alarmist website is hosted by Soros funded Think Progress, eh?) for……following the science that the Sun has a huge affect on the state of the Earth’s climate.
Joe then goes on to try and prove that the majority of all warming is caused by…..Mankind, and that the Sun means little. Say, what caused the last glacial period?
A Maunder Minimum can’t stop catastrophic global warming — only we can!
By “we,” he means that Someone Else needs to Do Something, preferably the Government. Because Alarmists just can’t be bothered to Do Something themselves, other than “spread awareness.”

Well, the good news is we will get a no holds barred cage match between Leftist dogma and measurable reality on AGW – starting around 2020 going forward (a lot like we are getting now on economics). I’m betting on the big fire ball in the sky. I’ll be adding this to the Assigned Reading List for posterity so I can collect on the bet when the time comes. I think I’ll still be around …
“Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressiveâ€
“Estatic”? No, not really. Way to assign, though. Got THAT process down cold, so to speak.
Why can’t they admit that the climate of this planet is a hugely complex system that they don’t fully understand?
Because there’s no grants in that.
A Maunder Minimum can’t stop catastrophic global warming — only we can
Ummmmm…. thinking you’re a deity much?!?!
It’s amazing that we can’t stop a tornado, hail, rain, hurricanes, earthquake, tsunamis, volcanos, or the color of the sky… but these freak cultists think that we can control the temperature MORE than the great ginormous fireball in the sky?
If there was no sun, we would be frozen to 0 kelvin. But, the sun really plays no part in our heating or cooling.
Must be from all the idiots hot air.
I was going to post this in an older topic, but since this one is timely, I’ll post it here.
The Maunder Minimum was not the beginning of The Little Ice Age—it actually began about 1300 AD—but it marked perhaps the bitterest part of the cooling. Temperatures dropped ~4º C (~7 º F) in ~20 years in mid-to high latitudes. The colder climate that ensued for several centuries was devastating.
The population of Europe had become dependent on cereal grains as their main food supply during the Medieval Warm Period and when the colder climate, early snows, violent storms, and recurrent flooding swept Europe, massive crop failures occurred. Winters in Europe were bitterly cold, and summers were rainy and too cool for growing cereal crops, resulting in widespread famine and disease. About a third of the population of Europe perished.
See, its not just one thing. It’s a combination of things. Sun getting quieter, longer winter storms, less heat output from the sun, less solar winds to block Galactic Rays that form clouds thus blocking more solar radiation, advancing ice and glaciers reflecting even more solar radiation, and coincidental volcanic eruptions.
Our cooling has been going on now since about 1990 and we are due to decrease solar radiation and increase Galactic Rays.
Time to invest in a goose farm, cause their feathers will be priceless. And coal or nuclear. Cause windmills will be frozen, solar panels will be useless in cloudy and snowy conditions, water will be frozen.
Yeah, buy it’s still makind’s fault, no matter what. If it does happen, they’ll just say it would be worse without AGW. That,s just the way they roll.
BTW, spellcheck using Android sucks. Essentially is none. They really have to fix that.
So, if we turn that ball off, we will not notice any difference…
True. The period formally known as day will become night and the period formally known as night will become day as the moon will from that point on will provide the light for our world. It will also continue to provide its warmth to us. Just as the sun’s light gave us warmth, without the sun, the moon’s light will pick up the slack.
Granted, the Earth does have its own heat source, but, you’d think that without any incoming solar radiation and massively increased Cosmic Rays, our Earth will turn mighty cold.
I mean, wasn’t our Earth producing its own heat source during all the previous ice ages when we DID have the sun? And, wasn’t there a period when our Earth was COMPLETELY covered in ice…… and the Earth was still producing heat and the sun…. as far as I know since I am not a intergalactic universal climate scientist of multi-dimensional renown… the sun WAS still around then too? Right?
[…] That Nuclear Furnace In The Sky Is Small Potatoes Of course, this forgets that the Little Ice Age lasted from the 13th century till about 1850. But, you’re all just anti-science disinformers (Joe sure has his progressive talking points down now that his Alarmist websiteis hosted by Soros funded Think Progress, eh?) for……following the science that the Sun has a huge affect on the state of the Earth’s climate. […]