The catch all answer to everything
THE fish in our suppers is getting smaller, scientists have proved.
Researchers at Aberdeen University have found the average haddock is almost a third smaller than in the 1970s.
Their work confirms what fish supper fans in Scotland have suspected for years.
And they believe that the shrinkage is caused by global warming.
The study by the university’s zoology department found that in the last 40 years, the average haddock shrank by 30 per cent.
It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with over-fishing and ocean pollution, could it? Oh, sorry, those won’t get the researchers more government grant money.
Also, I’d love to see said study. I spent about 15 minutes searching the web for it, cannot find it.

Don’t worry, the people from Whale Wars will take care of the problem, much as they have with the whales, I am joking, the Whale War people are as stupid as this whole concept. But I suspect that he same type of people are at the bottom of all this concern.
Last week Globull Warming was making fish deaf. Now they are shrinking. What next?
It’s also messing with their ability to see. So, the lefts other religion, Darwinism, tells us they should either adapt and evolve or perish
Wait till they start growing death lasers. Then the alarmists will have their day telling us we had our chance.
We had a chance to save our kids. Now they are being disintegrated by Death Fish from below.
This also couldn’t be due to fish farms wanting to sell more fish faster so they are not letting their fish grow up as much?
You know, in actuality I think these people have something. My Ice Cream has gotten smaller over the years too. They used to be a good gallon. Now they aren’t!!
Quiznos subs and Wendys salads are smaller. Must be AGW