Monthly Archives: June 2011

No Apologies From Mitt Romney For Globull Warming Stance

Mitt Romney is, in my estimation, a great candidate, and perhaps the best one to defeat Obama in the 2012 general election. While he certainly has several squishy Conservative positions, he also has excellent experience as both a business executive and as a political executive. He will appeal easily to the moderate and middle ground […]

2012 Dem Strategy: Republicans Hate Women

Well, when the economy took a nosedive once they took control of Congress, they spent enormous amounts of money that failed to help the economy at all, pushed threw the hated Obamacare, are doing nothing to help gas prices, failed to pass a budget, etc and so on, well, yeah, they have to deflect to […]

If All You See…

…is water being wasted while mixed with potentially non-Earth friendly cleaning chemicals to clean a fossil fueled machine, you might just be a Warmist

Aside: Jammie Wearing Fool On Dep. Of Education SWAT Team

Jammie Wearing Fool: Police State: Department of Education Calls in SWAT Team Over Defaulted Loans

$2 Is Too Much For Warmists To Pay To Save Gaia

The Australian, in an article entitled Mind the gap on climate (I was hoping for a moment that they’d do what the Chive does. Alas, no), tells us exactly how much people will willingly pay to offset their carbon lifestyles SOMETIMES the most quotidian matters tell a story. Here’s one about the deep disconnect between […]

Right Wing News: The 20 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media (2011 Edition)

Right Wing News: The 20 Hottest Conservative Women In The New Media (2011 Edition)

The Earth Is Full, And We Need A Happiness-Driven Growth Model….DERP?

The NY Times’ Thomas Friedman brings full bore Barking Moonbat Syndrome, adding in so many Liberals insanity models, but, mostly forgets to offer, you know, solutions. This is what Liberals are best at: bitching and whining, but, refusing to offer a path to fixing the problem, as well as refusing to Do Something themselves. Anyhow, […]

Obviously, Twitter Shares Part Of The Blame For Weiner Being Pond Scum

ABC News doesn’t come out specifically and say that Twitter shares the burden for Rep Anthony Weiner (D-NY) sexting issue, but they sure imply the hell out of it! Congressman Weiner: Did Twitter Make Sexting Too Easy? In the end, of course, New York Congressman Anthony Weiner said he did it to himself. He was […]

Are You Better Off Than You Were 4 Years Ago?

Nate Silver has an interesting piece up at the NY Times entitled The 10-Word Question That Could Cost Obama the Election. Skipping past a recitation of just what Carter was facing, we get to Mr. Reagan would win overwhelmingly, however, claiming 44 states (even Massachusetts and New York) while limiting Mr. Carter to just 41 […]

If All You See…

…is an evil plastic water bottle ruining Gaia (which you yourself are drinking from now), you might just be a Warmist

Pirate's Cove