Monthly Archives: June 2011

Greenie Weenie Alarmists Need Mental Therapy And AA

Who knew that trying to get Other People to Do Something could be so stressful? Let’s face it: If you care about the environment, you’ve got a lot of reasons to be bummed out. Is the sorry state of the planet dragging you into the dumps? John Fraser, a psychologist, architect, and educator with the […]

We Need To Be Brainwashed To Tackle Climate Change (Hoax)

Ever notice that liberalism always requires a change of attitude, rather than Doing Something? And it seems to resemble fascist/communist attitudes? Why Climate Change Requires A Consciousness Change Einstein famously said that we cannot solve problems with the same level of perception that created them. We have to step up to a higher and more […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled Mercedes, you might just be a Warmist

South Carolina House Passes Illegal Immigration Legislation

Another day, another state doing the job Washington won’t A bill that requires police in South Carolina to check suspects’ immigration status and mandates that all businesses check their hires through a federal online system received final legislative approval Tuesday. The House voted 69-43 to agree with the Senate’s changes and send the bill to […]

Warmist Jill Singer Suggests Climate Realists Off Themselves

I know, you’re shocked, shocked! that a lefty believer in the Cult of Gore would be so uncivil Really? I’m prepared to keep an open mind and propose another stunt for climate sceptics – put your strong views to the test by exposing yourselves to high concentrations of either carbon dioxide or some other colourless, […]

Atheists Whine About “Heaven” Sign Honoring 9/11 Victims

Another day, another liberal group trying to ruin something for other people because their delicate sensibilities are offended A group of New York City atheists is demanding that the city remove a street sign honoring seven firefighters killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks because they say the sign violates the separation of church […]

Yet Another Case Of An HOA Banning The American Flag

This one comes from Macedonia, Ohio, via WEWS A U.S. Army veteran is fighting a battle over his right to display an American flag at his home in Summit County. Fred Quigley, 77, said his homeowners association has asked him to remove a flagpole from his front yard. He lives in the Villas at Taramina […]

If All You See…

…is an evil hot dog, the production of which releases massive amounts of a harmless trace gas necessary for life, you might just be a Warmist

How Does A Blonde Solve Globull Warming?

Sadly, her idea isn’t much worse than what most of the Warmists push. (via The Chive)

Uh Oh: Tiny Traces Of Gas Necessary For Life Will Kill The Oceans

So says Climate Alarmist Louise Gray: World’s oceans move into ‘extinction phase’ A preliminary report from an international panel of marine experts said that the condition of the world’s seas was worsening more quickly than had been predicted. The scientists, gathered for a workshop at Oxford University, warned that entire ecosystems, such as coral reefs, […]

Pirate's Cove