I know, I know, it’s extremely strange, historic and unprecedented, if you will, that an administration that spends much of its time railing against and demonizing private enterprise would have a tough time charming the same
The Obama administration’s push to mend its relationship with business has gone cold only six months into the effort.
Complaints abound about the regulations pouring out of federal agencies to implement the federal healthcare and financial regulation laws.
There’s also fear that labor-friendly policies emerging from the National Labor Relations Board and tax-reform legislation expected in 2012 will further hold back growth.
“With the Obama administration, it just seems to be relentless,†said David Rhoa, owner of a bulk-mailing facility based in Kalamazoo, Mich. “I’ve become accustomed to the fact that this pummeling keeps coming.†(snip)
Administration officials argue they’ve worked relentlessly to improve the economic environment for small businesses that make up the heart of the U.S. economy.
“Senior administration officials have been regularly meeting with small businesses to hear how the government can not only help them grow, but additionally how to reduce their burdens and remove barriers to their growth,†said Hayley Meadvin, press secretary for the Small Business Administration.
Yet business still isn’t feeling the love, and suggests there’s more show than substance to Obama’s efforts.
And that’s the Obama Doctrine in a nutshell: more show than substance. He talks and talks and talks, but rarely does anything that can help, especially when it comes to the private sector. He doesn’t really care about those small businesses except as a means for raising funds for his 2012 re-election. If he really cared, he would stop attempting to raise the tax rate on small business owners. He would stop pushing for legislation that puts more burdens on business. He would stop his agencies from enacting destructive and burdensome regulations. Remember, this is a guy who wrote in his memoir that working in the private sector was like being a “spy behind enemy lines.”

Indeed, that is the Obama doctrine in a nutshell. Well said sir!
Amen Teach, and let’s hope he’s run out of that voodoo (some people called it charm or charisma )that made so many fall for his BS the first time around. This next year and half are crucial. And our country can’t take another 4 years of him at the helm.
I love the fact that the politicians say “show us regulations that are harming you”. They either don’t understand or intentionally don’t care to understand that it is the sum of all things. No one regulation is harmful. It is the whole dam book of several volumes that is killing us.
One other thought, have you ever stopped to consider how much money you spend just trying to interact with govenment. I would estimate that the bill is in the nature of at least 10% and possibly as high as 50% in some businesses. I know in medicine that I could trim my expenses by 20% it the govenment got out of the picture.