July 10, 2011 – 1:00 pm
…is an awesome Gaia friendly bike, you might just be a Warmist
July 10, 2011 – 9:57 am
Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in America, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the dolphins are a bit frisky. This pinup is by Jay Scott Pike, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in ye olde blogosphere? The Fine 15 Boehner steps back from The Big Deal, and Verum Serum says […]
July 10, 2011 – 8:50 am
Yes, another birthday has come, and here’s my birthday gift Notice the Jolly Roger tattoo
July 10, 2011 – 8:34 am
I’m not quite sure which is more delusional and clueless: Team Obama or the NY Times (anonymous) editorial board: The Worst Time To Slow The Economy It was not surprising to hear the Republican presidential candidates repeat their tiresome claim that excessive government spending and borrowing were behind Friday’s terrible unemployment report. It was depressing […]
July 9, 2011 – 6:10 pm
Remember, climate change (hoax) is all about pushing the “extreme weather” meme Chile’s hyper-arid desert has received its highest levels of snowfall in nearly two decades Chile’s Atacama Desert, one of the most arid places on Earth, has been buried in deep snowfall after a cold front brought sub-zero temperatures to much of South America. […]
July 9, 2011 – 2:32 pm
Climate heretic Judith Curry points to an interesting passage …..What’s the goal of risk communication about climate change? To get people to ‘believe’? To see the issue the way the communicator wants them to? To get people to do what the communicator wants them to do? Or is it just to impart information so people […]
July 9, 2011 – 1:00 pm
…is an evil fossil fueled car, you might just be a Warmist
July 9, 2011 – 8:57 am
It’s kinda funny, since Democrats see no religious issues involved with abortion on demand, but, reducing government spending? WWJD? In what seemed more like a Sunday church service than a Capitol Hill press conference, Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., called out for his fellow lawmakers and all Americans to do “the Lord’s work” as a solution […]
July 9, 2011 – 8:27 am
That, and other small ball measures, as the LA Times points out. Just the kinds of ideas one would expect from a (not my) president with virtually no experience in the private sector As White House aides search for ways to show progress on the economy, they are banking that a set of small-scale proposals […]
July 8, 2011 – 6:33 pm
In a word, terrified. But, not as you think; like with all liberal policy agendas, their are unanticipated consequences PRIMARY school children are being terrified by lessons claiming climate change will bring “death, injury and destruction” to the world unless they take action. On the eve of Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s carbon tax package announcement, […]